Rate per mile?


Retired Expediter
Standards sure have dropped in just 2 short years...I remember some straight owners I talk with would not even start the engine for under $1.50....I can imagine back in your day Dave...


Veteran Expediter
Pretty sad numbers. Those look like numbers of dying a slow death. E1 is a profitable outfit but it appears they keep a lot more than they should. By the time you take the fuel out, they are running at essentially van rates. I gues that is why they refused to say in the recruiter section what their rates were on their new reefer division. Their recruiter gave some smart answer and would only say what it was if you called.
Guess there is a reason for that.

Is the reason because they pay so much that they are afraid they couldn't handle all the applications and calls if it were posted publicly?

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Is the reason because they pay so much that they are afraid they couldn't handle all the applications and calls if it were posted publicly?

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

Very possible. I'm sure there was a huge rush on that 1.12 a mile special.
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Veteran Expediter
Very possible. I'm sure there was a huge rush on that 1.12 a mile special.

I can hear the conversation at that company. "Ah they don't know how much it costs to operate so give them a buck twelve and make them happy." "If they don't like it there's always somebody to replace them."

Industry standards. They get what they pay for.


Retired Expediter
When I started there It WAS $1.20 and a 1.12 for "major" customers...now everyone is a "major" customer.....was told rates would be back when margins improved....they are showing profit of better the 40 mil per quarter and still the rates are in the tank...unless you run red KW's and are given tractor FSC as a bonus...but the drivers don't see that....