I highly recommend reading Schwarzkopf's autobiography, "It Doesn't Take A Hero." It's full of interesting details on his youth, early military career and views on life in general. I remember reading how Schwarzkopf enjoyed going bear hunting alone in Alaska. After packing his camping gear and rifle, he would have someone drop him off in a remote area with instructions to pick him up in a week.
Schwarzkopf was no fan of political correctness. His daily war briefings televised on CNN during the Gulf War were must-see television. Curt, to-the-point and blunt, there had never been anything on television like Schwarzkopf's briefings. One might say his war briefings were America's first TV reality show. His on-camera performances were spellbinding.
In retirement, Schwarzkopf worked with charities and sat on the board of directors for Remington Arms. He represented the very best in our nation's military tradition.