Question on Panther II Dispatch Policy..

Dave Johnson

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Do dispatchers at fixed rate companies like Panther see the rate the driver is paid, or just the miles? I know at FedEx, where I used to be, the dispatcher always told me miles, pay, etc... but I just wondered if fixed rate companies give their dispatchers the pay info.

My reason for asking:

I drove for FedEX for several years, before leaving to work at a factory in my home town. Well... it's closing, and I've been talking to drivers in truckstops from Dayton to Zanesville along I70, to see who was good to go with now, as FedEx is not putting van's on.

Well, over the past several weeks, I have spoken to somewhere between 15-20 Panther Van Drivers. With a couple of exceptions, the ones who are contracted under the new rate of .77 per mile said they were running well, 12-1300 miles per week or so, while the ones who had been there for a while, and were contracted at the old rate of .85 per mile, said they were running slow, perhaps 6-700 miles per week, slowest they'd seen in years.

I know there are always variences, and it could be I've seen a small cross section, it was luck of the draw, etc... but having talked to so many, I seemed to see a trend. Is it possible the dispatchers give it to the driver availible who gets less money? My Paranoia :7 sees dispatchers getting bonuses for saving the company money?

I broached this theory to a driver yesterday, and he laughed and said he counted on that very theory. He said "I know I get more runs because I'm willing to run for less. If I had a company, why wouldn't I give the business to the one who'll put more money in my pocket?"

I'm wondering if he was right? After all, for every 500 miles they give him at .77 instead of the older guy at .85 ... they save the company $40.00 . Give a few hundred runs, that could add up to quite a bit.. perhaps the difference in someones bonus?

Just wondering........

On side note, I asked that last guy why he decided to go with Panther. He said he looked at several companies, but went with Panther because he thought they had the coolest looking logo to put on his van... Man.. I love well informed business decisions like I know I wasted my time talking to all those drivers about their companies! ..... I should have just went for the "cool" factor... :7 :7 :7 :7 :7


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Best way to find out and it may not be possible is to go in to their facilty and try to see how their dispatch board works.When they need to dispatch a truck from a certain location does the computer show who is at the old rate and who is at the new cheaper rate.If it breaks it down like that you can be sure the trucks with the lower rate will get the trip. Years ago Roberts had a strange system,if the trip took you away from home you received 62% of the revenue,if your next trip finished with you closer to home ,even if it was only 1 mile you received 46% of the revenue. Much Paranoia went into that.Everybody thought that trucks that would get 46% would always get the offer first.It was never proven but it sure seemed that way.
I am sure when the owner of the Cool looking truck misses a payment his banker says "Hey Dude,no problem that is one Cool Truck". LOL