Veteran Expediter
I am an advoate of not leaseing as you can see by some of my previous posts. But to all fairness I would like for someone who actually knows to put the #s to test here.
Come up with exact figures putting $30K down on a 105K truck vs keeping the down deposite or as much of it as one could. I do not know if a single lease company thats gona let a New Driver walk off there lot with 0 down. Read any commercial advertisement that blurrs thru the screen when they are talking leaseing a new Caddy or Volvo theres alot of cash down to keep those payments low and no leasing company is gona do you or me or grandma any favors they have to make a profit as well and they are also borrowing the cash to float you the lease.
I beg to differ, he who pays cash is always gona be better off but am willing to be trashed for the sake of a good argument here and I wana be proved wrong cause if I did it wrong on this vehicle I sure that heck wana do it right next time.
One last thing do not forget that I believe the Lease company will not allow you to lower the value of the vehicle during the duration of the lease, in other words your gona keep that vehicle insured for the entire sticker price during the entire duration of the agreement maybee I am wrong but I asked this a couple of months ago on this site and the Trucker/Lawyer explained it to me.
This lease company thru Idlebuster, insisted that if I was going to accept (and I read it with my own eyes) there lease that I had to take a second policy out to cover any liability should someone be injured working on this equipment. Now get this I am forced to take out a second policy to cover whos but? Not mine but theirs. This is how redicuioulis these leases can get, no thanks I dug into my own savings account and put another Vendors unit on my truck. I personally saved over 1K on 7,500 dollar unit, not including the extra insurance. Yeah it was great that I was gona only put down a couple of hundred, make 36 payments and than buy it in the end for another $500. but I still am further ahead buy paying for it.
I am in business for the long haul, not the short side of how am I gona make next months payments. Once a person starts on the slippery sloap of payment this and that and everything one will never find them selves #1 ever owning anything # 2 working for payments or being a slave to to the lender. You choose.
My truck with 40K down will be paid for in three more years maybee sooner, there should be plenty of life left in her at that point, thats when either #1 I will slow down a little #2 start banking $ for the next rig the choice will be mine not lender. And if I choose to leave this business tommorow there is enough equity and savings that I can make a years worth of payments and sell it for a fair price, if you have ever seen my truck I do not think I would have a problem selling it either.
Come up with exact figures putting $30K down on a 105K truck vs keeping the down deposite or as much of it as one could. I do not know if a single lease company thats gona let a New Driver walk off there lot with 0 down. Read any commercial advertisement that blurrs thru the screen when they are talking leaseing a new Caddy or Volvo theres alot of cash down to keep those payments low and no leasing company is gona do you or me or grandma any favors they have to make a profit as well and they are also borrowing the cash to float you the lease.
I beg to differ, he who pays cash is always gona be better off but am willing to be trashed for the sake of a good argument here and I wana be proved wrong cause if I did it wrong on this vehicle I sure that heck wana do it right next time.
One last thing do not forget that I believe the Lease company will not allow you to lower the value of the vehicle during the duration of the lease, in other words your gona keep that vehicle insured for the entire sticker price during the entire duration of the agreement maybee I am wrong but I asked this a couple of months ago on this site and the Trucker/Lawyer explained it to me.
This lease company thru Idlebuster, insisted that if I was going to accept (and I read it with my own eyes) there lease that I had to take a second policy out to cover any liability should someone be injured working on this equipment. Now get this I am forced to take out a second policy to cover whos but? Not mine but theirs. This is how redicuioulis these leases can get, no thanks I dug into my own savings account and put another Vendors unit on my truck. I personally saved over 1K on 7,500 dollar unit, not including the extra insurance. Yeah it was great that I was gona only put down a couple of hundred, make 36 payments and than buy it in the end for another $500. but I still am further ahead buy paying for it.
I am in business for the long haul, not the short side of how am I gona make next months payments. Once a person starts on the slippery sloap of payment this and that and everything one will never find them selves #1 ever owning anything # 2 working for payments or being a slave to to the lender. You choose.
My truck with 40K down will be paid for in three more years maybee sooner, there should be plenty of life left in her at that point, thats when either #1 I will slow down a little #2 start banking $ for the next rig the choice will be mine not lender. And if I choose to leave this business tommorow there is enough equity and savings that I can make a years worth of payments and sell it for a fair price, if you have ever seen my truck I do not think I would have a problem selling it either.