This past month I was involved in an accident where a car was pushed into the back of our truck by another truck. It got me thinking of where I would be at if I didn't have a back up unit at the office to drive while my truck was getting fixed.
Some owners or driver's don't have the use of another unit until their truck is fixed in most cases. My truck was down 35 days, which can put someone out of business if they don't plan for things like this.
Some insurance companies offer down time insurance of $150.00 to $175.00 a day for the maximum of 30 days. That sounds all well and good, but. That is only $4500.00 for a month if you have the $150.00 a day or $5250.00 if you have the $175.00 a day down time insurance.
What happens if your truck is down for three months like our one truck was? The driver ran over two telephone poles doing $28,000.00 in damage to our truck? When I downsized to just one truck back in 2003 my truck was hit and drug sizeways doing $21,000.00 in damage. I had no truck to drive or a way to make a living. I had to go buy another truck so I could support myself.
I'm only posting this to get other drivers and owners to be prepared in case of things like this. Most people don't plan to fail, the fail to plan is what I always say. Planning is key in any business.
Some owners or driver's don't have the use of another unit until their truck is fixed in most cases. My truck was down 35 days, which can put someone out of business if they don't plan for things like this.
Some insurance companies offer down time insurance of $150.00 to $175.00 a day for the maximum of 30 days. That sounds all well and good, but. That is only $4500.00 for a month if you have the $150.00 a day or $5250.00 if you have the $175.00 a day down time insurance.
What happens if your truck is down for three months like our one truck was? The driver ran over two telephone poles doing $28,000.00 in damage to our truck? When I downsized to just one truck back in 2003 my truck was hit and drug sizeways doing $21,000.00 in damage. I had no truck to drive or a way to make a living. I had to go buy another truck so I could support myself.
I'm only posting this to get other drivers and owners to be prepared in case of things like this. Most people don't plan to fail, the fail to plan is what I always say. Planning is key in any business.