Veteran Expediter
Some Posts are read different by different people. Or better yet I write may not come out as how I meant for it to be said or read.
I am probably more guilty of this than most. I expect 100% of myself in most things I do, and I should not expect this of others but in reading some posts this is why I respond the way I do.
So to those of you I have probably offened, maybee this will help you understand. I just and than again this is just me, I could not enter a job without giving it my all. And my all would be a goal to be successfull or I would not do it or ever just attempt to do something. Now I also had a back out plan entering into this but it was after EVERY ATTEMPT was made to be successfull or to satisfy myself that I gave it my all. This meant having enough Capitol and not so high of a payment that these two items were going to be the bridge buster.
To all of you I may have offened, Thawk, Mr. Good, Leo, Dreamer, Phil, Paul etc... or anyone else maybee now you might understand my difference of opinion a little clearer. So I apologize to you or anyone else from my Posts.
I am probably more guilty of this than most. I expect 100% of myself in most things I do, and I should not expect this of others but in reading some posts this is why I respond the way I do.
So to those of you I have probably offened, maybee this will help you understand. I just and than again this is just me, I could not enter a job without giving it my all. And my all would be a goal to be successfull or I would not do it or ever just attempt to do something. Now I also had a back out plan entering into this but it was after EVERY ATTEMPT was made to be successfull or to satisfy myself that I gave it my all. This meant having enough Capitol and not so high of a payment that these two items were going to be the bridge buster.
To all of you I may have offened, Thawk, Mr. Good, Leo, Dreamer, Phil, Paul etc... or anyone else maybee now you might understand my difference of opinion a little clearer. So I apologize to you or anyone else from my Posts.