Member since Aug-13-06
146 posts
13 feedbacks
-17 points "The Vendeta"
Sep-24-06, 03:46 PM (EST)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-06 AT 06:21 PM (EDT)
To all of you out there I have driven for one year so call me a rookie if you wish, This rookie came to may I say our Federation and took The Coveted 4 Star Award by Storm the first Year. Something that I was told couldn't be done and was impossible to do. not just doing so during the first year but 10 months time frame to boot. Long story short 12 months with FedEX 10 Months driving the Truck that won. (Done it in the 1st year time frame after retiring from the service)
Now FedEX to me Is a Wonderful COMPANY and GOD Bless it, and all the people that work there as well as behind the scenes.
For all of you out there if I see ya out on the road god bless ya.
For any of you non belivers If you want the 4 Star award try to take every load they give you. I know that there are some loads that will be impossible or may not be $$ but the shorts will get you to the big ones or move you to a better area. Think about it and You will have to agree Im right. How Ever I even know that there are times you got to stay No but the Key goal is to stay loaded and moving. One thing with me Is I hate sitting, Lord knows the Dispatchers and The C.C. at FedEX know this for a fact. Word of the Day is Stay Loaded and Stay In Service and be Safe as Safety is Paramaont.
Everyone makes mistakes and accidents are bound to happen that is a given. No one is Perfect. Just do the best you can. Don't worry about what the bitter hearts are going to say, Be your own Person, Gather information and put it to use and most of all follow your own gut feeling and in the long run you will come out ahead. Just remember weigh the differences. I'M sure you all know what I'm saying.
What was stated at the awards "everyone in one way or another is a 4 Star, We are all doing the same job out here. Serving the Customer The Purple Promise.
As the saying goes the Navy get the Gravy and the Army gets the Beans.
Well My respones to that is Yes it's True there are those in the Business that always get the more lukerative runs all the time yes it's True. Better Equipment Better Loads, Fare Yes, In a certain point of view. True yes. The Point is when those people rube it in your face about it, Of which my Friends has been done countless times to me personaly just turn the other cheek and know that your doing the best you can. The only other option you have is to go where the money is in the business, if that calls for switching whom your working for (Fleet Owners) then by all means do it. Put your cards on the table and call. Now What I have learned in this business is the more flags the Truck has and the more Qualifications you have the better runs you will get. Thats a fact. The more Flags/Equipment the truck has and the more qualification you have the more money your going to make.
Plain and Simple in Latins terms "The Higher End Equipment you have the more chances you have in making the Big Money.
When I started In this business I Started with a Person That was considered an OLD ONE, For those of you out there that know then you know what Im talking about. Wayne Jirsa Taught me the Business, he was an Outstanding Trainer in the short time I worked for him, and even now from time to time he sends me e-mail and I too him and thus to prove a point even though we had our differences in opinion,: As business is business! A friendship still exists. Word to the Wise don't burn no Bridges) So Wayne Jirsa my hat is off to you and I say thank you.
God Bless you and your family Wayne
If your read this give me a call or drop me an e-mail.
Tony Amoto (Big Rig) My first Co Driver I wave a hand to ya and my friend I will not forget I promise.
The above don't burn your bridges is a hint not only to the drivers out here in the business but this can be a lesson for all you Fleet Owners as well and if you think about it for a click or two you know I'M right.
(Dont put your Pride and EGO ahead of whats right as many do.) For the Fleet Owner's Don't make no promises that you your not going to keep IE: (Telling the Driver You win the Award You will be the first to get a new Truck) Don't lie to get your driver to stay out to win an award. ect. Then at the awards tell the Driver ya's can't afford to get a new Truck after you promised him for the last 6 months and all the way up to the end., especialy in front of the drivers wife, And the driver just got done tell his wife he was getting the new Truck. Re-enerating what he had said to her 6 months ago if ya won the award. That makes Your Driver (Hero) Out a liar to his wife and makes for ill and hard feeling.
Oh boy and look out for Heavy Rolls if your driver finds out that you bought and gave the new truck promised to him or her, to another employee that's only worked for few short months. Then when your driver meets that person and that driver rubs it in, While in the presance of the other Lead Driver of the Company. Look out.
You might say ya dug your own grave, not all ya gots left to do is jump in.
Yupper get the Picture ya thought so.
Now for the drivers don't do a the dumb thing and be leaven the key under the mat because you quit your job with that said fleet owner that lied to you. Do the right thing and take it back and turn it in. If the owner gets mad and tries to keep your pay you can do the lawful thing and take out a mechanics lean on the truck and he or she will have to pay you what is owed to you.
Some owners they will try to nickel dime your pay he she did this damaged that. Ya hmm good well driver remember if you personaly made any repairs to the truck and have pictures of damage you may of fixed that your felow co drivers made saven your boss $$$ or what not you fixed that saved the ower monie well hmm you can get full face value of money owed as well. In other words You can play the nickel dime game right back. (Goes both ways fare is fare)
Bottom line is For Fleet Owners and Drivers:
Do the right thing and the right things will come your way do the wrong thing and then all bad things will happen to you two fold.) Think about it its true.
As I stated the Rig I drive is no Flag ship but I Scouted researched and came up with a plan and set it in motion and prevailed. I asked a thousand quetions to get the information I wanted but no question is a dum question if you learn from it.
Promises were made before 4 Star and then they were change soon as The Award list was anounced.
Well like I said do wrong and things happen two fold back and not always good. The only way to change it is to make that of which was wrong and make it right. Fullfill your obligations. There are those that will only realize when its all too late.
Not being an owner operator and just a driver (Wheel Turner) if you will has its Advantages and disadvantages. (IE Money pay 20% after the fuel surchage is deducted along with the tolls.) Hmm and If your not driving a Flag ship for a BIG RIG well then You get the Picture. The plus side is you can alaways move up.
Plans make the BIG RIG a Flag Ship. (Crawl before ya walk so to speak) I think I had already been Running dont you. Now time to Re-group and put vision 11 in motion.
Things Happen for a reason, Yup and Frank Geijda a good friend and partner before he moved up to the next level will vouch for this whole heartledy. Each day we were partners was astounding as the guy made me laugh every day till I was rolling on the floor. He was a good friend and Partner (CO Driver) We talk every day and keep in touch. God Bless You Frank and Your wonderful family. I just want to also tell you thank you for being my partner before you moved on to better things in life and again Thank you for The vast wisdom and things you passed on to me.
2006 was my year to shine and I did, along with 49 others as well.
I have my sights set on 2008 Then I will once again rise to the occasion and be part of the Elite of Fedex.
Your probabling wondering why 2008 well as I stated The Rig I Drive now is not a Flag ship, But I hope to make it happen as my sightes are set in that Direction. AS I stated Early on here I leave my options open.
I have the following e-mail address
My Road E-mail Address is:
[email protected]
My road E-mil I use each day due to Im never home, Got to stay out to support the family.
My Home E-mail Address is:
[email protected]
God Bless All of Ya Truck Drivers out there and God Bless All the Wonderful People at FEDEX As well.
I wonder what I am going to say to the Press Retired Navy S During first year of Retirement Takes Coveted FedEX 4-Star award 1st year driving for the CO. how did he do it. Believe me it will blow your mind away.
MY options are alaways open.
If by some reason any one is offended by this post sorry but had to get a years worth of you know what out.
Have a nice day.
On the Test Pad
Have a Safe One
God Bless ya
Marvin Kevin Wagner SR USN Retired