Photo slide show


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Just to give you a heads-up. If you find some day that you cannont send photos to someone as they receive a message "the photos are expired, contact the sender for more information" don't start messing with your computer. MSN does not know where the problem is and I understand that some other providers may be having the same problem.
If you do have the problem, just google the above comment and you may find a correction. As of now there is none. If you want to find out if yours still works, using the send photos command (if you are using MSN, don't know about the others) send several photos to yourself in one email and then try to open them up on the slide show. Good luck.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Thanks for the info, noted that it does have the slide show feature. Just wish that my original problem could get solved.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing but on mine the second tab under the toolbar says slide show.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Yep, Picasso does have the slide show, and it works well. I am using MSN and Vista, the advantage that I had was that I could be writing an email, attach photos, view the photos and then send the email all in one location. For some reason this function ceased to work not only on my machine but others as well. Frist thing I thought was that my machine was causing the problem so I began several possible repair soloutions which was a waste of my time because finally I found out 2 months later that others were experiening the same problem. To compound the issue, not only did it occur on my notebook with VISTA but with my desktop which runs Windows XP. Guess Picasso is my choice for the time being and thanks for the reminder. TR