Phony tea party group fails to get on ballot in Mich.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is an investigation looking into this. Should be really interesting. Looks like the Dumb-O-Crats are playing Chicago here. Wonder how many "New Black Panthers" will be out with billy clubs in Detroit on election day? Things are going to get VERY nasty over the next 3 years. Flaming leftists don't believe in free elections and will do everything they can to continue their nasty RULING ways. :mad:


Veteran Expediter
There should not be an investigation, it is a waste of our tax money.

you have to understand the entire story and who is calling for the investigation to get some of it. The tea party is not something that is actually tied to one specific group, look into it, it is more or less a loose confederation of groups with no real central group that holds the name legally.

The ruling was a technical ruling but the BoC here in this state has had a habit of being too political and not letting legitimate ballots to go through.