Perry/Bernanke flack


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Rick Perry faces new flak from the right for suggesting Bernanke is ‘treasonous’
By Rachel Rose Hartman

Political Reporter
(Charles Dharapak/AP)

Republicans across the country are cheering Rick Perry's entry into the 2012 presidential race, regarding him as a candidate with innate star power. But Perry's comments today about Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke have highlighted long-standing anxieties among leaders and opinion-makers on the right over the Texas governor's candidacy.

"If this guy prints more money between now and the election," Perry told an Iowa audience of Bernanke. "I dunno what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous... err.. treasonous in my opinion."

It was hardly surprising that Perry detractors on the left piled on Perry's aside. However, Perry also faced major protests from the right.

"You don't accuse the chairman of the Federal Reserve of being a traitor to his country, of being guilty of treason," former George W. Bush senior adviser Karl Rove told Fox News Tuesday. "And, suggesting that we treat him pretty ugly in Texas. You know, that is not, again a presidential statement."

Rove worked with Perry early on in Perry's career but he split from the governor when Perry offended the Bush camp.

Peter Wehner, another former Bush White House aide, wrote in Commentary that Perry should issue a "retraction and apology." Wehner described Perry's comments as "the kind of blustering, unthinking comment that Perry's critics expect of him."

"Why he would play to stereotype is hard to fathom," Wehner continued. "Or, perhaps he's simply being himself. We'll find out soon enough. In the meantime Perry ought to offer a retraction and apology—and then offer a serious intellectual critique of why he believes Ben Bernanke is pursuing injurious policies."

Tony Fratto, former Bush deputy press secretary tweeted Tuesday "Gov. Perry's comments about Chmn. Bernanke are inappropriate and unpresidential."

But Perry's over-the-top statements--as Rove characterized them--are just one source of dissension from Perry's critics on the right.

Many conservative strategists question whether Perry has the ability to pull of a general election win, since his ideological outlook could prove a hard sell to independent voters.

"Imagine if the Democratic Party nominated a combination of Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi for the presidency, and you have a sense of the kind of gamble Republicans would be taking with Perry," New York Times columnist Ross Douthat wrote Sunday in a column advocating a presidential campaign by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (who has long stated he will not be running.)

"And even if that gamble worked," Douthat continued, "little in his record suggests that he's prepared to preside over a polarized country, or negotiate his way through a divided Washington."

Perry also faces criticism on the right for past positions and policy decisions, including his reversals on immigration, his talk of Texas secession and his past as a Democrat.

Columnist David Frum recently expressed concern about Perry's record on jobs in Texas ("Many of the jobs created since 2009 pay only minimum wage, and Texas, along with Mississippi, has the highest percentage of minimum wage workers in the U.S." Frum wrote) as well as Perry's dubious record of support for free-market insurance plans.


Veteran Expediter
I think we are going to see him try to shape himself as the next Reagan, hopefully he does more than just talking a good game.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Reagan walked the walk. This guy wishes he could crawl in Reagan's footsteps.

Don't they all? <sigh>



Not a Member
Presidential or not, his comments with respect to quantitative easing and currency devaluation were spot on.

The Fed's perpetual printing of dollars is nothing more than legalized counterfeiting.


Veteran Expediter
Presidential or not, his comments with respect to quantitative easing and currency devaluation were spot on.

The Fed's perpetual printing of dollars is nothing more than legalized counterfeiting.

But at the end of the day, the two would be suckin on mint juleps together.


Veteran Expediter
The only TX governor turned president to walk the walk was LBJ. He said he'd have blacks voting Democrat for 200 years, and by God, they still are!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Presidential or not, his comments with respect to quantitative easing and currency devaluation were spot on.
The Fed's perpetual printing of dollars is nothing more than legalized counterfeiting.

Read this post several times, since it hits the bullseye and makes a serious point that is affecting our economy right now. Perry has brought to light an example of financial bungling that has become typical of the Obama presidency - the financial corruption of this administration that is now influencing the Fed.


Veteran Expediter
Perry has a unique way of plain-speaking. He doesn't go wobbly. I believe his style of confronting issues directly will serve him well in this campaign. Obama probably wouldn't know how to handle Perry in a one-on-one debate. For sure, Perry isn't from the meek-and-mild school of John McCain.


Veteran Expediter
Perry has a unique way of plain-speaking. He doesn't go wobbly. I believe his style of confronting issues directly will serve him well in this campaign. Obama probably wouldn't know how to handle Perry in a one-on-one debate. For sure, Perry isn't from the meek-and-mild school of John McCain.

But he's from the do-nothing, Mexican butt-kissing school of his boss - GW Bush.

Don't fall for this charlatan, people. He's all talk.


Veteran Expediter
But he's from the do-nothing, Mexican butt-kissing school of his boss - GW Bush.

Don't fall for this charlatan, people. He's all talk.

I respect your opinions, T-Hawk. But here, I am puzzled. Give me your best candidate so I might consider their prospects. Instead of tearing everyone down, actually advocate for a worthy candidate. Who do you like?


Veteran Expediter
I respect your opinions, T-Hawk. But here, I am puzzled. Give me your best candidate so I might consider their prospects. Instead of tearing everyone down, actually advocate for a worthy candidate. Who do you like?

Ron Paul or Sarah Palin. As much as I don't like the fact that Paul is in his 70s, he's our best hope if his policies are implemented. Palin is a great conservative mind.


Veteran Expediter
Ron Paul or Sarah Palin. As much as I don't like the fact that Paul is in his 70s, he's our best hope if his policies are implemented. Palin is a great conservative mind.
My admiration for Sarah Palin is well documented here on EO. I like almost everything Ron Paul has to say on economic policies. May the best man or woman win!


Expert Expediter
I hope you guys aren't being fooled by Rick Perry, he was democrat in the 90's, and help Al Gore run for president. Rick Perry is nothing but a political opportunist. When he gets on stage with Bachemann she's gonna scratch his eyes out just like she did to Pawlenty another FAKE republican.

Perry is gonna take credit for Texas having a balanced budget when he had no choice Texas has a Costitutional requirement to balance the budget. As for the job climate in Texas, they have a part time legislature, which keeps Stupid law creation at a minimum. Therefore it is easy to run a business in TX. Rick Perry has nothing to with that.

Other than the Gardacil Fiasco which shows his true fascist liberty killing colors, remember he supported AL GORE, need I say more.

BTW - I'm in the Paul, Cain, Gingrich, Bachman, Santorum camp if one exhists.


Expert Expediter
As for his comments about the Fed, he is either totally ignorant or just another demagog like a typical democrat in the Huey Long fashion.

The FED banks PRIMARY role in monetary policy is to try to create full employment. Its is written in the law. Bernacke has no choice but to keep rates low, the only thing he controls is the rate.

Rick Perry may disagree with the FEDS mandate as established in LAW by congress, but the idea that Bernacke is treasonous for following the law is CRAZY.

I think the LAW should be changed, the role of the FED should be STABLE PRICES. Having said that it is not, and Rick Perry should know better, he's just trying to steal Ron Pauls thunder.

Ron Paul, at least understands the system, he disagrees with it as do I.

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Veteran Expediter
I hope you guys aren't being fooled by Rick Perry, he was democrat in the 90's, and help Al Gore run for president. Rick Perry is nothing but a political opportunist. When he gets on stage with Bachemann she's gonna scratch his eyes out just like she did to Pawlenty another FAKE republican.

Perry is gonna take credit for Texas having a balanced budget when he had no choice Texas has a Costitutional requirement to balance the budget. As for the job climate in Texas, they have a part time legislature, which keeps Stupid law creation at a minimum. Therefore it is easy to run a business in TX. Rick Perry has nothing to with that.

Other than the Gardacil Fiasco which shows his true fascist liberty killing colors, remember he supported AL GORE, need I say more.

BTW - I'm in the Paul, Cain, Gingrich, Bachman, Santorum camp if one exhists.
Ronald Reagan was a Democrat many years before becoming a Republican. Some folks realize their personal beliefs and values aren't really reflected in their original party, so they switch to a better fit. People evolve. Their ideology evovles. So Rick Perry was once a Democrat... BIG DEAL. It's going to come down to defeating Obama. That's reality.


Expert Expediter
I guess you missed my point, he SUPPORTED Al Gore for president.

That's not a view its a religion.

Better open your eyes, George Bush pretended to be a conservative too, talked a good game and then screwed us.
Before Obama, Bush broke all of FDRs spending records. That doesn't include the wars because Bush kept those off the budget.

Look if you're a democrat then Perry/Romney/Pawlenty are great presidential material. But if you are a Constitution loving supporter of the Republic, IE a Republican, you cannot support these guys they are big government stooges.

Stop listening to what they say and look at what they DO.
For the politicians in the group, Paul, Gingrich, Santorum, and Bacheman, not only TALK the TALK but they have Walked the WALK.

AS for Cain, he has no real political background, but his business creds is there so if you are sick of politicians he's ur man.

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Veteran Expediter
I guess you missed my point, he SUPPORTED Al Gore for president.

That's not a view its a religion.

Better open your eyes, George Bush pretended to be a conservative too, talked a good game and then screwed us.
Before Obama, Bush broke all of FDRs spending records. That doesn't include the wars because Bush kept those off the budget.

Look if you're a democrat then Perry/Romney/Pawlenty are great presidential material. But if you are a Constitution loving supporter of the Republic, IE a Republican, you cannot support these guys they are big government stooges.

Stop listening to what they say and look at what they DO.
For the politicians in the group, Paul, Gingrich, Santorum, and Bacheman, not only TALK the TALK but they have Walked the WALK.

AS for Cain, he has no real political background, but his business creds is there so if you are sick of politicians he's ur man.

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I didn't miss your point, it just doesn't carry any weight with me. Let me reiterate, I don't care that Rick Perry was once a Democrat and supported Al Gore. That's in the past. Perry came to realize he wasn't comfortable in the Democrat party and had the good judgment to switch. Hopefully, millions more will switch!

Ronald Reagan was 51 years old when he became a registered Republican. Political conversions can come at any stage of life. If you are holding out for a perfect political candidate, you are dooming yourself to endless frustration. One of the candidates within the GOP field will emerge to challenge Obama and I will be cheering them all the way. If it's Cain or any other of the lesser lights, I will actively support their campaign. Conservatives would do well to focus on defeating Obama. Obama has to go!
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Veteran Expediter
No matter if Perry is the candiate that should be President or not, he was right on on the happenings of ben and the was the use of the word "treacherous" right, probably not...But...while talking to a friend, he pointed out that under the "Coinage Act of 1792"...anyone "debasing our currency" the punishment will be death...sooo if by the continued printing and flooding the market with money that really is lowering the value of the dollar, that is the defintion of "debasing our currency".....

Seems that while he used the wrong word, he was right on...