Veteran Expediter
Peace Bridge Closed to US-Bound Traffic; Trucks Turned Around (Jan. 7, 2014) -- The Peace Bridge at Fort Erie-Buffalo is closed tonight to all southbound commercial truck traffic which is not headed into the city of Buffalo. OTA has confirmed with bridge authorities that due to extreme weather there is no commercial truck access beyond the bridge plaza as all interchanges to the I-190 are closed overnight. Border officials are only permitting trucks whose final destination is within the city, via Porter Ave. Furthermore, there is no available parking at the customs plaza. Trucks approaching the bridge from the Canadian side are being turned around and instructed to head back on the QEW. Officials tell OTA that the bridge and I-190 access is closed until sometime tomorrow. For more information and updates contact the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority at 905-871-1608 or go to Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority.