"Panther Expedited Services now has a new program that is called "pay to play!" You have to pay them just to have the honor and privilidge of keeping their decals on your cargo van."
That's not a new program.
"I have been with Panther for qhite some time now and things have gotten so inherently bad that I am now 700 dollars in the hole escrow wise."
How does something become inherently bad?
"Why should I have to pay just to keep their decals on the side of my door?"
Because you agreed to do so when you signed on with Panther.
"God knows I'm not getting any freight and I have been sitting in Chicago for over a week now."
God knows everything.
"Why are they continuing to take on new cargo van drivers if they can't even load the ones they got now? This does not make one iota of sense."
Are you sure? I mean, an iota is pretty small. It might make an iota of sense. Heck, maybe even two iotas.
"Now don't jump my skins just yet people, I am speaking what needs to be spoken. This has needed to be done said a long time ago."
How many skins do you have, anyway?
In any case, it's already been done said a long time ago. You're just saying it again.
"I done been sitting for a week now and I don't take me no cheap freight."
Harumph! Harumph! Harump!
I didn't get a Harumph! outta that guy!
"I run at my contracted rate or I turn the load down."
Harumph! Harumph! Harump! Harumph!
That's better.
"I have been sitting here since last Monday and still haven't got one tenative load offer."
That's because Panther sends very few tentative load offers over the QC. They usually send actual load offers over the QC.
"I'm tired of this."
I would imagine so. Not getting tentative load offers is exhausting. Getting actual load offers and having to turn them down, whewee, even more so.
That's not a new program.
"I have been with Panther for qhite some time now and things have gotten so inherently bad that I am now 700 dollars in the hole escrow wise."
How does something become inherently bad?
"Why should I have to pay just to keep their decals on the side of my door?"
Because you agreed to do so when you signed on with Panther.
"God knows I'm not getting any freight and I have been sitting in Chicago for over a week now."
God knows everything.
"Why are they continuing to take on new cargo van drivers if they can't even load the ones they got now? This does not make one iota of sense."
Are you sure? I mean, an iota is pretty small. It might make an iota of sense. Heck, maybe even two iotas.
"Now don't jump my skins just yet people, I am speaking what needs to be spoken. This has needed to be done said a long time ago."
How many skins do you have, anyway?
In any case, it's already been done said a long time ago. You're just saying it again.
"I done been sitting for a week now and I don't take me no cheap freight."
Harumph! Harumph! Harump!
I didn't get a Harumph! outta that guy!
"I run at my contracted rate or I turn the load down."
Harumph! Harumph! Harump! Harumph!
That's better.
"I have been sitting here since last Monday and still haven't got one tenative load offer."
That's because Panther sends very few tentative load offers over the QC. They usually send actual load offers over the QC.
"I'm tired of this."
I would imagine so. Not getting tentative load offers is exhausting. Getting actual load offers and having to turn them down, whewee, even more so.