I expedite for a small company from near Ohare Airport in Chicago. Im an owner/operator of a cargo van.
Heres my question. I picked up 1 skid from a customer going to Carthage, IL (200 miles). Just after I picked it up, I was called for a second picup at a diffrent company up the street from my first pickup going to Lamar, MO(650 miles. Should I push for the miles on the individual P&D's or the total miles of the complete trip. Seems to me, if I get total miles, Ive essentially done the first P&D for free since it was basicly "on the way". Am I wrong??
I expedite for a small company from near Ohare Airport in Chicago. Im an owner/operator of a cargo van.
Heres my question. I picked up 1 skid from a customer going to Carthage, IL (200 miles). Just after I picked it up, I was called for a second picup at a diffrent company up the street from my first pickup going to Lamar, MO(650 miles. Should I push for the miles on the individual P&D's or the total miles of the complete trip. Seems to me, if I get total miles, Ive essentially done the first P&D for free since it was basicly "on the way". Am I wrong??