paid on the road?


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
The Standard Meal Allowance is still at $52 per full day away from home. You may use 75% of this figure as a Federal income tax deductable, which is up 5% from the 2006 tax year. For the 2008 tax year we'll be able to use 80% thereafter. If you go to Canada, you get a larger SMA
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Staff member
It doesn't matter if you own the truck or drive the truck the per diem is the same. You need a truck accountant that is aware of these laws. If you take the 39.00 you will be doing a great disservice to yourself.
You need to be aware by use of log books or other means on when you leave and arrive back at the house. If you are not away from the house longer then 12 hours in a day you cannot take the full per diem. The per diem can be broke into quarters for this situation.
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Seasoned Expediter
It doesn't matter if you own the truck or drive the truck the per diem is the same. You need a truck accountant that is aware of these laws. If you take the 39.00 you will be doing a great disservice to yourself.
You need to be aware by use of log books or other means on when you leave and arrive back at the house. If you are not away from the house longer then 12 hours in a day you cannot take the full per diem. The per diem can be broke into quarters for this situation.
How is taking the $39.00 a disservice to me?


Staff member
Sorry just always look at it as the 52.00 dollars and would hate to have someone look at the 39.00 and just take 75% of that.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard

The $52 to which we refer is a Standard Meal Allowance that applies only to transportation workers, including drivers, that are away from home long enough to require a rest before returning home.

I divide my days in quarters but anything is acceptable as long as you are consistent. If I am away during any portion of a quarter day, I count it as a whole quarter. Example: If I leave home today, 2 Jan, at 0800 and return home at 1200 on 4 Jan, I will take the following allowance deduction:

2 Jan = 3/4 x $52 = $39
3 Jan = 4/4 x $52 = $52
4 Jan = 2/4 x $52 = $26
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