Owners Watch Out


Seasoned Expediter
Just Wanted to let Owners know of a Sister/Brother Team as they say out there that swears they are the best and no the business inside and out, they can't run, they take sleep breaks, miss drop times and then quit without notice and left the truck sitting in a parkig lot empty, they talk a good line but watch out!!!! They both have southern names and are around 50 years old, from Ohio....I would NOT hire them they will stiff you


Veteran Expediter
A bother/sister team with Southern names . You mean like Jim Bob and Billie Joe ? How long have they been married ? O.K. I have to ask . You don't mean soul brother , soul sister do you ?


Not a Member
This is one reason why I give truck/fleet owners so much credit for dealing with headaches like this.Hats off to you guys/girls!!!


Veteran Expediter
Can't help but wonder how such people keep finding a place to land - doesn't anyone check their background? :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Can't help but wonder how such people keep finding a place to land - doesn't anyone check their background? :confused:

An unrelated story.. but speaking of background checking.. My neighbour worked at a bank for many years. We got talking on Friday about a person currently in the news who bilked their employer out of over 7 million dollars over a number of years, and is now trying to get out of a jail sentence because she has the unfortunate disabilities of being 'narcissistic', and 'with a proven history of feeling a sense of entitlement'.

The neighbour informed me that when an bank employee got caught stealing, they were fired, but not charged (unless the sum was hugely phenomenal, they'd rather keep it out of the public eye). She said her bank hired someone who, unbeknownst to them, had been fired for stealing from her previous employer bank, and upon checking for a reference, they were only told that yes, she worked here for x number of years. She subsequently stole from the new bank job too, and when fired from there, went on to work at yet another bank.. who also 'checked references' with bank#2, who also simply said, yes, she worked here from this time to that time.

Crazy world we're living in, and since hearing this, I've decided to go and get a bank job!. Force myself to steal a few million bucks over a couple years, and then all I have to risk is getting fired? Won't have to worry about a criminal charge? Won't have to worry about an inability to obtain a future job, even at another bank? What's the downside??

Same for drivers and owners of ill repute.. if the victims don't do whatever they can to let it be known, they have nothing to lose by continuing. So.. thanks for sharing, rickandter!

If any of you should be in the area, see y'all at the bank! :D


Veteran Expediter
Worst things could have happened,at least sounds like no feight was left in the truck..and they got it back in one peice.
No Diffrent then a hubby and wife owner telling a driver to bring the truck home because they are losing the truck to the bank,,then putting a older team in it...
Things go both ways out here..not all owners are fair with their drivers either.
Yep things could have gone alot worst...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
An unrelated story.. but speaking of background checking.. My neighbour worked at a bank for many years. We got talking on Friday about a person currently in the news who bilked their employer out of over 7 million dollars over a number of years, and is now trying to get out of a jail sentence because she has the unfortunate disabilities of being 'narcissistic', and 'with a proven history of feeling a sense of entitlement'.

The neighbour informed me that when an bank employee got caught stealing, they were fired, but not charged (unless the sum was hugely phenomenal, they'd rather keep it out of the public eye). She said her bank hired someone who, unbeknownst to them, had been fired for stealing from her previous employer bank, and upon checking for a reference, they were only told that yes, she worked here for x number of years. She subsequently stole from the new bank job too, and when fired from there, went on to work at yet another bank.. who also 'checked references' with bank#2, who also simply said, yes, she worked here from this time to that time.

Crazy world we're living in, and since hearing this, I've decided to go and get a bank job!. Force myself to steal a few million bucks over a couple years, and then all I have to risk is getting fired? Won't have to worry about a criminal charge? Won't have to worry about an inability to obtain a future job, even at another bank? What's the downside??

Same for drivers and owners of ill repute.. if the victims don't do whatever they can to let it be known, they have nothing to lose by continuing. So.. thanks for sharing, rickandter!

If any of you should be in the area, see y'all at the bank! :D

When I was a manager at the Gander Mountain in Taylor Michigan we had a couple of employees buy duck calls that were on sale at our store and take them to another Gander were they were NOT on sale and tried to return them for the full price. (these were VERY expensive duck calls, over $100 each) They of course were caught AND fired. They were also given the choice of making restitution or face criminal charges. Both paid up. They were kids so I hope that scared them on to the straight and narrow path.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Ah, the infamous Bubba and his sister, Bubba Ann. They one time had a small business, Bubba and Bubba Ann's Beauty Salon Day Spa and Tractor Tire Repair.


Staff member
Ah, the one post wonder! Ready to save the world from danger and harm.

Warning! Danger! Attention...yup, heard 'em all.

Thanks for the post - but really for your concern to amount to anything...Ye Must Get Involved. No time better then today. Please don't let this first post become your last.


Seasoned Expediter
Someone else beat me to the punch.

And you posted this for what reason?

Are you one of those people that hired them? If so, why didn't you check their references and past work? Did you report this information to DAC?