
Veteran Expediter
Does it not seem apparent that Uncle Sam has turned his back on us?

We are at War and yet we have failed to secure our borders. Not only that but the USA seems to encourage this influx of illegals to continue to be welcomed. Not by the citizens but by the Govt. We as people seem to tolerate and accept them by giving them there rights and treating them with respect. I have not witnessed any abuses myself of illegals and would not appriciate it if I did.

We have and I have wittnessed that the citizens do not like this influx of illegals, yet our Govt has made every attempt to see that we must listen to Spanish on every govt recording, dole out medical benefits when one gets drunk and hurts himself (illegal). And we have Vets who are treated like criminals and can not get any help.

Does our Govt. not seem to steal $ that is designated for one thing and put it towards another against the objections of its citizens.

Does our President not just break the law and go around Congress and others to DO AS HE PLEASES?

Is not everything we buy, use, not TAXED?

Do our elected officials even listen to its Voters?

I or We do our best to work with the system we have in place, when one has a problem is it not just nerve wrecking to get thru to a govt. agency especially at the Federal Level? Try getting an answer that is Correct from the IRS? They make the rules yet they make so many loop holes that its just plain UNFAIR for the small guy to actually want to do what they request and do it right.

Example paying a 2290 HEAVY USE TAX, my local IRS office moved with no forwarding address nothing on the building. Phone in and get an ansswering machinie that says NO LIVE OPERATOR. Web site gave address and yet an empty building.

So mail in my $, and now I need a STAMPED recipet to get my plates renewed. Now how is this suppost to happen I ask? So how much more time will I need to put into this? And I had to sign the same form Twice? TWICE I am volinteering to pay it, but what in the world could I do wrong to have to sign it twice? Like as if I am lying on the form by paying what they want? And on the form you need a Calculator to pay it, heck everyone pays it who owns a big truck its simple $550.00 a year but you must enter all sorts of #s to come up with the amount.

Both Parties are at FAULT, and they have set up a System to keep any other parties becomming to large or powerfull, thus threatening what they have created, nothing more in my opinion but a scam to screw its citizens EXAMPLE why do members of Congress get a retirment I believe min of 10K a month plus HEALTH benefits forever? Do Teachers not get this? If a Corporation sets up a Health Plan ALL MUST BE TREATED THE SAME! A law they PASSED yet do not follow. All Govt employees should get EXACTLY the same benefits from the President to the Park Ranger, to the guy sweeping the streets in D.C.

Its a racket or is it?

Bush, Clinton does not matter listen and listen close. Lies and there past speaks VOLUMES niether is assoicated with bad past business dealings?????.

I wish for a change, and HONESTY for the sake of its Citizens and do whats best for the Country as a whole not special intrest. It was set up this way but we have steered so far off course.

One last example of how far the Govt oversteps its Authority the guy in NM who had his 23K taken away with no proof that he did anything illegal. Heck now we are told we can longer pay in or carry cash? Pay cash for anything over 10K we now must fill out a form to spend our own hard earned $. Its just gotten to far out of control.

If you have read this you can tell I am not happy with the US, its still a great country but for how long? At this rate I would say not as long as I once believed. Thank you.


Veteran Expediter
I was going to write a nice post but decided to focus on one thing - taxes.

For some reason people don't get that our present tax system actually came from the Communist Manifesto and needs to be changed.

The tax system was changed in the 30's to punish the people who are successful (LOOK I SAID SUCCESSFUL NOT RICH)and never intended to be a tax on the common man. It also has been incorrectly used to control the economy which has caused more problems in the long run.

The solution to me and many who know a lot about the system is the FAIRTAX - nothing short of this can help us. I have yet heard any intelligent debates on the FAIRTAX and knowing that most opponents of it are either uninformed about it or have a stake in keeping the present system alive, i.e. accountants. I have found that many don't even bother to read the book, The FAIRTAX by Neal Boortz or want to open their minds up to the idea that your labor is given by God and should not be taxed in anyway, but for that matter the power was to be given to us by God then we are supposed to give it to the states and then they give it to the federal government - thanks Abe for messing this up for us. I also find that people mistakenly think that our tax system is the best because it is not as punitive as other countries but I wish they would stop comparing us to someone else and in fact our business taxes are the worst of any nation on earth. And lastly I find that if we eliminate the tax system we have, it will allow true investment into this country which means more jobs.

Oh I forgot, if the republicans want the white house and congress back in 08, then get with the FAIRTAX, there is nothing more important to any person in the united states than their pocket book. The power of money is 'the' most important factor in everyone's lives.