Our priorities are messed up


Veteran Expediter
Why do we chase and deport former NAZIs but can’t chase deport invaders or terrorists?

I think that some guy who was a NAZI is not a real threat to us, especially when they are like 80 years old and in a wheel chair – what are they going to do?

Real threats to the country are invaders and terrorist but they get to stay and live off of us.

I think it is time that the justice department shuts down their NAZI hunting division and shift the people to more useful work, like tracking terrorist.


Retired Expediter
I think we need to toughen up and start deporting moms, dads and kids!!

The feds also should change the law that children born here from illegal parents ARE NOT U.S. CITIZENS.

Just start rounding them up and tossing their butts slowly and methodically.

And should the Mexican government retaliate in some way so should we. Cut off trade- increase tariffs--close border...They need us more then we need them.
Get tough....


Veteran Expediter
It seems so easy for illegals from Mexico to get into the US, and stay, that a lady I know, who is dealing with the endless & expensive red tape to get her foreign born husband here legally, is now thinking that maybe she should rename him Pedro, and have him sneak in. Sadly, it would be quicker, cheaper, and hardly risky, either.


Veteran Expediter
See here's the deal with the kids born here. There are two ways to be born an American citizen.
1. Is the Law of the Land. Pretty simple be born on Ameriacan soil.
2. Is the Law of Blood. Be born to an American parent overseas and you are a citizen.

I have 3 cousins who were born in Canada to a Canadian dad and an American mom. They were citizens of both countries until they were 21. Except for the youngest he gave up his dual citizenship at 18 when he joined the Marines. I agree that babies born to illegal aliens shouldn't be treated as citizens, but it would take Congress to change it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree also, except to calling them illegal aliens. I believe they should be called criminal aliens. They've broken the law so they're criminals. Illegal isn't as harsh sounding though and our traitorous liberal friends have now come up with undocumented to further soften their criminal status. All 50 states should be under the same standards as those supposedly going into effect in Oklahoma. No education, no welfare, no citizenship, no jobs. They'll start leaving as fast as they came and the same way, at no direct transportation costs.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
Greg great point:

Lets see these people pay into our system, are about at the end of there life. And what more could I say that you have not.....