Real quick, $25 gets you more than you might think... up to date rule and regulation changes... plus when Exactly (as in particular dates) new laws will take effect for certain states and even certain towns/counties. And Canada is covered as well. So it's more than just representation in Washington DC.
Plus, some don't know, but you also get discounts on rental cars, and... get ready... but you get 10% off, yes- ten percent!!, off on a good many hotel and motels. They (OOIDA) gives you a promotion code to use so you're able to see if the establishment has that code in their system so you can use the discount. Rumor has it they're working on getting that up to 20 percent off room rates.
You can also get discounts on equipment like tires and other truck equipment.
They offer health insurance programs as well, but I don't know the specifics on them. I've looked into them a little bit- but not too much.
You can also do what I do, keep up with OOIDA and their updates in the industry on FaceBook. For $25 you also get a subscription to LandLine magazine... that in itself is well worth the 25 bucks!!! Even if you don't get home often, when you get it- take them on the road with you- it's better than any truck stops magazine!