Oklahoma, United States has had: (M1.5 or greater)
3 earthquakes today
13 earthquakes in the past 7 days
38 earthquakes in the past month
251 earthquakes in the past year
The largest earthquake in Oklahoma, United States:
today: 3.9 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
this week: 3.9 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
this month: 3.9 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
this year: 4.5 in Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
3 earthquakes today
13 earthquakes in the past 7 days
38 earthquakes in the past month
251 earthquakes in the past year
The largest earthquake in Oklahoma, United States:
today: 3.9 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
this week: 3.9 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
this month: 3.9 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
this year: 4.5 in Edmond, Oklahoma, United States