Gas prices are jumping 30-50 a gallon here for the Christmas Driving Season. They'll drop right back down after the first of the year. It's criminal.
Yep. Read it. Lower stockpiles for reduced taxes doesn't effect supply, and shouldn't affect the price at the pump more than a few cents (less than 8 cents, actually). This is pure price gouging, based on the anticipation that 9 or 10 holiday travelers will be driving, up from previous years. On January 2 the stockpiles will still be at low levels, taxes will have been assessed, and the price at the pump for gasoline will drop back down to about $3.10 or less.
Your "Official" prediction?....
Yep. Might not drop immediately to $3.10 on the 2nd, but will within a week.Your "Official" prediction?....