Oil prices, the Saudis and one king…..


Veteran Expediter
What did President Bush actually tell the Saudis?
In published reports today, the UN has been taking credit for the push of the king of the Saudis to lower the oil prices. Many are praising the UN for their effort but I honestly think that the UN has nothing to do with the up coming meeting and the concern with the high price of oil by the king of the Saudis; I think Bush actually started the ball rolling.

The reason I say this is because many don’t understand the delicate nature of diplomacy with the Arabs and they don’t jump at any request or problem like we do.

I think that Bush went over there, gave them a clear message that something has to be done and left without saying exactly what could happen if nothing is done.

The thing is, at least I have said this before they don’t want to see the situation with a low dollar and the high prices because the value of oil is reduced is the long run. AND not only that, but they are too concern with the idea of alternate fuels taking over and putting them out of business.


Retired Expediter
Regardless of whats said about the President one doesn't become President by being stupid....

Greg you could well be correct, but alas the Bush Basher club will say other wise...wonder who they hate worse the UN or Bush?


Retired Expediter
That's funny, oil is the only issue where I hear increasing usage is the way to break addiction.

Would you give a heroin user more heroin in order to get the use to use LESS? Of course not. :eek:


Veteran Expediter
I think what they mean is dependence on FOREIGN oil. Only way we can reduce our use of oil is to build alternative plants... coal, nuclear, etc. But the enviro-whackos won't let us.

Look at that last sentence. Isn't that retarded? "They won't let us."

"Mommy! We want to play baseball; but the bullies won't let us!"

"Uncle Sam! We want energy independence; but the environmentalists and their cronies in Congress won't let us!"


Retired Expediter
I heard on the news yesterday that Honda will be introducing in America next year the first Hydrogen car.....

One thing about high oil prices it pushes the technology even faster...maybe it serves a good purpose in the big picture of things....short term pain for long term gain.

In terms of mankind, drilling for more oil is only a short term solution...we will run out eventually....they have to make a move sooner or later.