Oh, Happy Day


Veteran Expediter
Truck Tonnage Is Up!

The latest seasonally adjusted increase marked the third sequential gain, totaling 5.7 percent. The tonnage index stood at 117.3 (2000 = 100) in January, a 26-month high. Tonnage was also up 5.3 percent from a year earlier, which was the largest year-over-year gain since January 2005.

ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello said January’s strength is a good sign.

Well, somebody will just have to blame President Bush for this increase. I am not sure how, but they will find away, or the Dems will figure out how to take the credit.


Seasoned Expediter
Niether party can take credit for

this or any other thing that happens

good. They both are terrible.


I think it was the credit thing that got me. I hope the economy is getting better. I hope tonnage does come up. Is it the credit of either party? I doubt it. If all the economic indicators are correct. It will drop lower next month. Hope not but it is what it is.



Seasoned Expediter
Please in no way take it personal for my nickname for you. I have nothing but respect for those of the cloth. I wish I could live as you guys do. My father was a minister of 48 years prior to his death. So please take this nickname in fun as that is my intent.


Retired Expediter
I don't understand these figures....house building is down and manufacturing is down...so whos shipping all this tonnage? Must be all them containers off the Orient Express???