Canada Odd crossing


Veteran Expediter
Today I had a pickup in Windsor, a place that they do actually lock their doors (see TallCal's comments in the political forum).

The shipper had no clue about the process even though their only customer is here in the US - odd.

I went through the procedures as I done in the past (all my inbound US shipmments have been with this customer) left the shipper and went to sit on Huron Church for a little bit to eat lunch and read.

Well got the clearence to go and went to everyones favorite place - US customs.

I got up to the booth and the officer took the paper work and my passport then look at me with an odd look and said there is something wrong. he explained (nicely I must add) that this is an E-manifest shippment and I needed a trip number on the inward cargo manifest but did not need any thing else with it. He handed the paper work back and told me to write the number on the inward cargo manifest - so I did as instructed. I handed the paper work back and he handed my passport back to me and told me to have a good day. I asked him if it was possible to stamp my copy of the inward cargo manifest (which the shipper copied for me), he said no. He said I didn't need anything stamped and told me to move (again nicely I must add).

Is this something new?

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Now that you've gone public with the "incident", my guess would be that the officer in question will be quietly removed from the general population and put through intense behavior modification. I would expect this to include hours of educational videos, sleep deprivation, forced fasting, Chinese water torture, and possibly atomic wedgies.


Veteran Expediter
Well this is the second officer who was nice, the first even made fun of my load and joked around. I think he was terminated and sent off to some gulag or rehablitation camp for his joking around.


Veteran Expediter
Greg,why was I mentioned in the posting?Your good friend and fellow Michican pal Mike Moore documented quite effectively the situation regarding locked and unlocked door's in WINDSOR.If you watch "Bowling for Columbine"you too can be an expert on the difference between front door locks in Detroit and Windsor.You might find the stats about other difference's interesting as well.
I won't hold my breath.


Veteran Expediter
>Greg,why was I mentioned in the posting?Your good friend and
>fellow Michican pal Mike Moore documented quite effectively
>the situation regarding locked and unlocked door's in
>WINDSOR.If you watch "Bowling for Columbine"you too can be
>an expert on the difference between front door locks in
>Detroit and Windsor.You might find the stats about other
>difference's interesting as well.
>I won't hold my breath.

First thing is I don't remember, sorry. look at the post date.

Second Mr. Moore has disowned michigan, or so to say booted us.

My cousins and several others I know over on the other side of the river (windsor) would like to ask him when can they leave the doors unlocked - too many detroiters (former auto workers I guess) are going over there and causing problems for Canada. Don't blame the Candians at all for being mad at us - shipping them autoworkers over there.

Speaking of mr moore, the people of flint would like to know why he decided to leave them hanging with the promised help, he gave scholarships to cal students who don't deserve anything but the students of his 'home' town he will most likely say the checks in the mail.