Obama's regulatory war on the economy.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Obama's new regulations that his department's had on hold until after the election are coming soon and expecting to hit everyone's pocket book. Including middle income people and the poor.
From article:
The still-unwritten industry overhaul that ObamaCare is attempting to orchestrate, the regulatory discretion of the Consumer Financial “Protection” Bureau created by Dodd-Frank, and the practically unhinged zealotry of the Environmental Protection Agency — these are the biggest three that are quickly going to start wreaking havoc on our economy through their direct actions as well as the uncertainty they’ll produce. The impact of the EPA’s subtly unsubtle war on traditional energies in particular is going to start eating into everybody’s incomes, and have a disproportionate effect on families with lower incomes who can least afford to start spending a larger chunk on utilities.

Are we really facing a regulatory onslaught in Obama’s second term? (Hint: Yes.) « Hot Air


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
The war on the coal industry will be felt by many. When you close that many plants and they aren't replaced, something has to give. The number I am hearing is expect at least a 25 percent jump in utilities in those effected areas. The poor may or may not be effected. Some areas are giving subsidized utilities. The amounts vary depending on the state as I understand it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, I think that is true. Another regulation will effect gas prices around 9 cents per gallon. Everyone that drives will be effected with that one.