Obama rejects Hillary's advances


Veteran Expediter
Obama rejects Hillary's advances to hold another debate.

I personally think debates are worthless, we don't have the intelligences in our society to understand the difference between propaganda and a real debate.

A better idea is what Hillary is actually suggestion, an unmoderated debate. She even went so far as to say it could take place on a flatbed truck. I sent an email offering to drive it for her :p

It goes back to what I said a while ago, it would be far better to have an informal talking session between the candidates without moderation and just go down a list of subjects to talk about. No notes, no prep work, just the talking heads and their comments.


Veteran Expediter
Maybe their speech writers need to be fired? You really don't think they come up with this stuff on their own? That's giving them too much credit.

If they were to give a debate without notes there would be complete silence.


Veteran Expediter
"The country is really standing on a cliff when it comes to media concentration. When you go over that cliff you are going to be fundamentally changing what this country is about, and not for the better."
-- Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), in Ho, David. "FCC Democrats Frustrated on Media Review." The Associated Press, May 10, 2003.

"I wonder if the media is incapable of covering itself. They keep Americans in the dark on this issue."
-- FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein, in Lane, Terry. "Copps Flirts With Releasing Media Ownership Draft to Public." Communications Daily, May 12, 2003

Media only covers what they feel the public needs to know not what is necessary or viable to one's intellect.


Veteran Expediter
I have been put out with the media for a long time. About the only national news program I watch is Fox News. Of course it is biased and leans towards the right a little, but there have been quite a few dems on there recently. I have no use for CNN unless they are reporting on some sort of natural disaster then I'll watch if I must. I don't like most of the big time newspapers any more. Like the New York Times and Washington Post. They are just commie rags IMO.


Veteran Expediter
I have been put out with the media for a long time. About the only national news program I watch is Fox News. Of course it is biased and leans towards the right a little, but there have been quite a few dems on there recently. I have no use for CNN unless they are reporting on some sort of natural disaster then I'll watch if I must. I don't like most of the big time newspapers any more. Like the New York Times and Washington Post. They are just commie rags IMO.

You got it.


Veteran Expediter
Since the two of them are acting like little cry babies I say stick a pacifier in their mouths and place them in a playpen instead of a stage.

All the losers will be coming out with a book and their own image on a barbie doll.