Obama pressed into role as healer


Veteran Expediter
Read this article very carefully, it actually illustrates a serious problem we have - and I don't mean the event itself.

From the through Yahoo news

Obama pressed into role as healer, inevitably - Yahoo! News

By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – Presidents get elected to run the nation. Some days that means knowing how to heal it.

For the first time since winning the White House, President Barack Obama faces such a moment Tuesday at Fort Hood. It his job to offer comfort, if not answers, after the shooting that left 13 people dead and 29 wounded on the bustling Texas Army post five days ago.

Obama will privately console families of those killed, and then publicly pay respects at a memorial service sure to be watched by American troops around the world. He and first lady Michelle Obama will also visit wounded troops in the hospital before returning to Washington.

This is Obama's time to take on healer role that can help shape a presidency at a time of national tragedy.

In an interview Monday with ABC News, Obama said he was going to Fort Hood to "personally express the incredible heartbreak that we all feel for — for the loss of these young men and women."

Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, governed during the worst terrorist attack on American soil, the most crippling natural disaster in U.S. history, a space shuttle explosion, a shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, a tornado that wiped away a Kansas town, a bridge collapse in Minnesota, Midwestern flooding and California wildfires. Each response affected his standing, for better or worse, in a country that expects its president to be empathetic and clearly in charge.

History is full of other examples. Bill Clinton helped rebuild his troubled presidency with the way he reacted to the Oklahoma City bombings.

In this case, Obama has sought his own balance.

He has promised a full investigation of the Fort Hood shootings but has said little about it as police search for a motive. He has praised religious diversity in the military, trying to offer calm as questions loom about whether the alleged shooter had ties to extremist Islamic ideology. And he has delayed a trip to Asia to attend the memorial service.

The mass killing shook the nation even more because it happened in a presumed haven of U.S. security. The suspect himself is a soldier, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Authorities say he fired off more than 100 rounds before a civilian police officer shot him. He survived and is in stable condition.

It wasn't even two weeks ago that Obama stood in the dark of night at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, honoring the remains of 18 troops killed in Afghanistan. Now he will lead the mourning for 13 men and women who were working in the one place, as Obama put it, that "our soldiers ought to feel most safe."

Among those killed at Fort Hood were 21-year-old Pvt. Francheska Velez, who was pregnant and preparing to return home after a recent deployment in Iraq. And Spc. Jason Hunt, a 22-year-old who served in Iraq and was married two months ago. And Maj. Libardo Caraveo, 52, who was headed to the war zone in Afghanistan.

Obama's presence alone will be meaningful to those hurting at Fort Hood, said Kevin Sullivan, who served as Bush's communications director.

"It sends a message that he understands this is a national moment," Sullivan said. "But what really matters is that the president is able to provide some comfort to the sons and daughters and husbands and wives of the victims. That's ultimately why he's going. He's saying, 'The whole country grieves for you.'"

First lady Michelle Obama will be at the president's side.

At least 3,000 people are expected to attend the memorial service. They include the families of the 13 victims, as well as some of those wounded and their families, said Lt. General Robert Cone, the post commander. The event is open to the public.

Preparations for the president's visit began late Sunday, when the Army started erecting a giant wall of metal shipping containers stacked three high for hundreds of yards. The temporary walls have created an L-shaped outdoor theater on a large grassy field at Fort Hood, the nation's largest military installation.

Cone said the service should help the post take a step toward normalcy.

And when Obama returns to Washington, the cost of war will still be with him.

His agenda Wednesday: another war council meeting on Afghanistan, and laying a Veterans Day wreath at Arlington National Cemetery.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Read this article very carefully, it actually illustrates a serious problem we have - and I don't mean the event itself.
That's an op-ed piece passed off as journalism. There's not even a hint of detached objectivity there. Edward R Murrow is spinning in his grave.


Veteran Expediter
That's an op-ed piece passed off as journalism. There's not even a hint of detached objectivity there. Edward R Murrow is spinning in his grave.

Since when do facts matter around here? A certain culinarian posts loads of crap everyday that comes from anywhere but legitimate news organizations. The world is flat. Some blog said so. I don't care if it is true. I despise "rounders" and this fits my agenda. I preach to a captive audience of anti-rounders who love to wallow in the nonsense I glean from anti-rounder blogs. Don't believe the crap I post? You will when you and your dumb rounder friends drive off the edge of the world...


Veteran Expediter
Well that is part of the new journalism, Murrow and his type of journalism with ethics and all that has been out of mainstream journalism since Cronkite's style of journalism.

Actually I think Turtle is right in the fact that this is an opinion about Obama, nothing else. It takes 100% from the event and puts the spotlight on Obama for a speicfic reason. It is passed off as opinion journalism but it looks like propaganda to me. The really sad thing is the news covered Obama and not the event, and this makes me wonder if we have a realy big national tradigy, how will this be handled? Take for instance 9/11 type event under Obama.

A little touchy there Letz?

Sorry but Blogs, either actual fact gathering or opinion journalism are here to stay. You can thank the big boys at the newspapers and other media outlets for that because they failed the American public. I for one am considered a citizen journalist (actually have a press card for access to some venues, isn't that really twisted), even though I don't think I am by any means but because I write and write often about news events, even rehashing over facts, under FTC rules and hopefully soon other federal laws I am a journalist and protected to a certain extent as one. I don't have to follow the ethics of the journalist class - by the way is truly anti-American - which has been worthless since Rather tried to sway an election with a lie and never was punished for it. However, I do follow general ethics rules.


Veteran Expediter
I don't know how one can 'heal' if he/she doesn't know what they're healing. Grief, yes. But the powers that be, both in DC and the media, won't discuss this guy being a terrorist. I know if I were one of the grieving folk, I'd want answers before I'd want hugs!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
IF he was sincere he would have NOT had ANY press, cameras etc. I, personally, would have NOT spoken with him if my family was involved. Imagine, an anti-military, anti-American putting on a show to further HIS image at the expense of others pain. ON top of that, this is NOT the job of the President of the United States. At least it is not in my opinion.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
All he should have done, IN PUBLIC, was to offer his thought and prayers and made sure that a PROPER investigation is conducted. NO commentary what so ever. IF Obama, or any president, feels the need to speak to those involved in things like this, Katrina, whatever, IF they were doing so to REALLY console, they would NEVER take the press and broadcast the faked concerned looks on their faces. Few people in this country believe that ANY of our polititions give a flip about them. They show up with their dog and pony shows looking for votes. Nothing more.


Veteran Expediter
I watched it and as the media is reporting "it was an emotional day for President Obama" which was repeated over and over again when reporting this event.

I don't buy his emotion because of his rhetoric, it has been contemptuous at best towards the military.

Now they are spinning the death penalty and how it may be in the best interest to end this emotional time by having Obama not sign off on his execution.

If this guy doesn't get executed, and it ends up in federal court like the last one, our Constitution and military are in the hands of too many who have clear non-American agendas and we will have serious problems in the near term.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No matter what you feel about George Bush II, love him, hate him or indifferent to him, I can say with 100% certinty, HE did on many occasions , visit wounded troops and their families WITHOUT turning it into another campain photo op. NO cameras (other than ONE to have pictures taken WITH vet IF asked too)

THAT is just ONE of the differences between a MAN and a BOY and a person that has RESPECT for what others do. Care to guess which is which?


Veteran Expediter
Yep with Bush, he was critisized for his reading to grade school kids while the WTC was in flames. He was critizied for his actions and his rhetoric after the fact.

BUT I never heard him hold a press conference in which he led with news of some meeting or meaningless drivel and then say something about the tragedy like it was an added thought where he thought he should mention it.

Imagine if he led his press conference with the results of a meeting with Tony Blair on the elimination of the tariffs for kippers and bangers then said "oh and I understand there was some trouble in New York City today. Now we mustn't jump to any conclusions that it may be a terrorist attack ... "

One thing I heard tonight was he is an emotionless president, unable to act with any emotion which actually could me he doesn't care.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
From the reports I have heard, from PRIVATE accounts, he is a man of great emotion who believes that such thing should be private and kept that way. I have not first hand experience, BUT, I heard a lot of stories to confirm that and talked with one or two that seen it first hand.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wounded combat vets that he dropped in on from time to time. No press, no cameras, just wanted to talk with them, to thank them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is little doubt that is was a PLANNED terrorist attack. There is also little doubt that many more are being planned. That is NO doubt that things are being covered up for "Political Correctness" reasons.


Veteran Expediter
who asked:
Who? GWB? Obama? Hillary?

and then layout responded to the above by saying:
"Wounded combat vets that he dropped in on from time to time. ......"

Okay .... so now we've narrowed it at least to the fact that we are talking a male (apparently) ..... which I think excludes Hillary ....

The above response really clarifies nothing ........

Wanna take another shot ?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I was speaking of George Bush II. He had/has a habit of dropping in on wounded vet, un-anounced, no press etc. Just because he feels he should. I am not commenting on how good or bad a president he was or commenting how I or anyone else feels about his proffesional life. I just found it interesting to learn this. That is all I was talking about.