NY-NJ Truck Tolls to Double


Seasoned Expediter
I heard that last week-$2.00 increase per axel starting Sept., another 2.00 next year and the year after, we seam to be targets with bulleyes on our forheads, and they want us to haul there freight cheep !!Who do I write the check out to ?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Any bets rates won't reflect this? Any bets people keep taking loads into that area at $1.30 per mile? Why in the world are they pulling off 6 BILLION dollars off the toll money to rebuild the World Trade Center? That is just SO WRONG! I understand improvements or rebuilding bridges or roads but NO ONE will drive on the World Trade Center. What a crock. Road tolls should ONLY be used for roads. Not bus service, not subways, JUST ROADS. :mad:


Retired Expediter
I heard that last week-$2.00 increase per axel starting Sept., another 2.00 next year and the year after, we seam to be targets with bulleyes on our forheads, and they want us to haul there freight cheep !!Who do I write the check out to ?

The article said $3 bucks an axle...:eek:


Retired Expediter
Any bets rates won't reflect this? Any bets people keep taking loads into that area at $1.30 per mile? Why in the world are they pulling off 6 BILLION dollars off the toll money to rebuild the World Trade Center? That is just SO WRONG! I understand improvements or rebuilding bridges or roads but NO ONE will drive on the World Trade Center. What a crock. Road tolls should ONLY be used for roads. Not bus service, not subways, JUST ROADS. :mad:

As always Joe...if the rates don't reflect the increase in the cost of doing business....just say no...


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
As always Joe...if the rates don't reflect the increase in the cost of doing business....just say no...

Have to agree. I had two trucks in NY last week. Around $200 in tolls, not to mention fuel is still well over $4 a gallon. As Layout said, the roads certainly do not reflect any of that money being spent on repairs.:mad: