well, after fighting the flu since tuesday we think we are better. so back at it today. we havent had the flu since 2008. hit tina a little harder then it did me but we both felt pretty lousy. hope everyone else is able to keep the bug away.
Glad to hear you are all better, the both of you, team Dynamite.500 mg of vitamin c everyday, along with 12 other vitamins daily, has kept me sick-free for many years.
Anyone ever wake up in the morning laughing hysterically? It must of been something good, not sure what, though.
Hoping for 2 things today.That I get a load, and it becomes a much needed good week revenue wise, and that Romney wins tomorrow so we and this country can get back to making money.
Must've been dreaming about your sex life LOL
On the road again....
Well that left you all speechless, lol.
No that is The day they celebrate MLK day?