not SHORT e'nuff




Wreck closes Mayfield Road

10:30 a.m.

David I. Andersen/The Plain Dealer

There was nothing short about the Dakota Leasing Inc. tractor-trailer rig driven by Robert Lee Ehinger which got stuck under the railroad bridge on the westbound lane of Mayfield Road near Little Italy at about 9a.m. The well labeled bridge is only 12'6" high. Mayfield Road is closed until they pull it out.


Veteran Expediter
I know I have recently driven by Little Italy, but cannot remember what state it is in? Do people not look at the height signs? Guess NOT.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Even if it was'nt marked(think Chicago), a competant eye would know to be careful. The fact that it was clearly marked begs the often asked retorical question, "Where do they find these people?"


Veteran Expediter
Height signs are deceptive. They usually give at least 6 in. Tho in NYC, we've driven under 11'2" bridges before, because they measure from the top of the sidewalk to account for snow.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas

Bugsy Siegel

Seasoned Expediter
>I know I have recently driven by Little Italy, but cannot
>remember what state it is in? Do people not look at the
>height signs? Guess NOT.

That particular "Little Italy" is in Cleveland, Ohio. I've driven under that bridge many times in my car. There *are* signs about the height, but it's a bit of an optical illusion, as the road dips down and looks like you get a standard 13'6".

It pays to pay attention I guess.