not a pip from you guys


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A "PiP" was part of the group that sang with Gladas Night!! MAN!! As to that SO-called judge that was a done deal the day she was noninated by the Racist in Chief. Nothing to go on about there. A Dumb-O-Crat Senate eager to take control of the country and a Coward in Chief who needs rubber stamp judges to do his whitewashing for him. ON A ROLL!! HEHEHE!!! :p


Veteran Expediter
Just another nail on the coffin we call America. Hey, OVM how is it to live in Canada? :D Might be considering it in the next 4 years:eek:


Veteran Expediter
hey i said from the beginning it was barrys right to appoint who he wanted...there was no chance what so ever that she wasn't gettin in...she is no big deal at the moment, she replaced a lib, the issue will be the next appointment barry should get, then the conservatives better be on the game and and do whatever has to be done including filibuster to get a good appointment...

I mean even though she is a racist, and against 2A, she fit right in with barrys ideals and plans for our country.....


Veteran Expediter
But you can have a hunting rifle or a sharp pencil....:rolleyes:

Do they make you take off your shoes, belts, coats and put all your liquids in clear plastic baggies and take away your fingernail clippers, but allow you to carry an electric razor when taking a flight?:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They will NOT be able to filibuster without the help of at least 2 Dumb-O-Crat Senators and that is NOT likely to happen.


Retired Expediter
Do they make you take off your shoes, belts, coats and put all your liquids in clear plastic baggies and take away your fingernail clippers, but allow you to carry an electric razor when taking a flight?:rolleyes:

Nope.....only for US bound destinations


Veteran Expediter
layout wrote:

They will NOT be able to filibuster without the help of at least 2 Dumb-O-Crat Senators and that is NOT likely to happen.

If it happens in the soon, you will be right, but i think 2010 should change that balance...but one has to wonder if one of the lib justices won't step down to help barry before the 2010 elections....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One of the so-called "conseritives" would have to step down. I hope it hits the fan in 2010. WE need to DO something before it is too late.


Retired Expediter
Well, you see maybe they have more sense then us:cool:
What good does all that "theatre" at the airport really do?

all this look good, feel good stuff is just that, a very expensive show and creation of another monster the is supposed to make joe public feel safe....


Veteran Expediter

They didn't need to filibuster anything, they could have jammed the committee up with request and procedural questions if they appeared to have enough to have a filibuster.

The truth is that it didn't matter, she is a token for the administration and if they need to replace another justice and if they are left leaning, the balance will not change.

AND there is also the possibility that she gets impeached. If the repubs or independents actually get a large majority in congress, it can happen with the first thing that is overturned in the court.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
True, but I don't see them even trying to impeach and I had forgot about the committee part. Would not happened this time. Too afraid of losing even MORE Hispanic votes.


Veteran Expediter
There are no Hispanic votes to lose. It is all about the poles and the stupefied voter that doesn't know better.

Beside a lot of people, even dems have said she is not the first hispanic.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know, have not heard that much. I frankly paid little attention. It was a done deal so I did not want to waste scarce brain power.