Newbie? Bored outta my mind


Not a Member
I'm kind of a newbie here, I used to have another name, but it has been so long, I guess they cancelled it. It was underCDL25950. Another week blew up, 10 in a row when will the July blues end! September maybe? I was on a roll until the 4th hit and every time I go out lately it seems like I'm going to have a good week and it hits the wall and I get stuck somewhere. thank god for On-line poker and my blog or I would go mad.

I just wonder if it is really this slow or am I just having bad luck right now? So how's everyone else doing this August? If anyone is interested my blog address is DOUGSTER'S TRAVELS , one nice thing about my blog is even if you don't care to look at it, you can minimize it and it will play some songs while you are on here. Mostly road songs but a few of my favorites too.

Take care out there everyone and keep the Shiney Side up and the Rubber Side Down.

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Not a Member
Expressway Inc. I'm trying to give them some slack I've had 1 ok year 1 good year and this one was going great. 104k 125k and I was on pace to beat last year! Those are my 1099 amts not bad for a 20ft box under CDL with an ability to carry about 9,200 lbs.
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Veteran Expediter
We're too new to comment on the busy-ness, or lack of it..
But.. there's always EO to keep your sanity while you sit!


Not a Member
PICT0005_0.jpgI'm not sure, how new almost 3 years is anymore, but **** I made my drop in Northwestern nowhereville area of Louisiana on Wed Morning, waited until Thursday night.Then I moved over to West Memphis Arkansas . I'm still here on Monday afternoon. I took some advice from Steve Martin, When I got here. I got married, bought a house, and we've got a baby and a new one on the way! When they finally find me a load, I'll get a quick divorce sell the house and be on to the next town.
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Not a Member
The 4 asterisks in the above post just said **** I understand they don't want filthy language on here but jee whiz that's a little strict, don't you think? Big Brother is Watching and he won't tollerate no darn potty mouths hehe. It said dam with an n on the end funny It was here with spaces and they must have went back and decided that it was so offensive. That's really funny to me, makes me wonder if it is computer generated or a moderater did it. If it was a moderater I say get a darn life!! If some moderator feels the need to go back and asterisk out where I typed dam with an n in this post, please speak up. Again toooo dam with an n after funny too me!!
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Moderator Emeritus
doug, which truck were you in in w. mem? i was there thur nite/friday before leaving friday nite. i was at the j.


Not a Member
PICT0012_0.jpgDSC03190.JPG This one, I was at the J too, over by the Best Western Side, they put a code on their wifi now. Saturday I scouted around and found if you park facing the Deluxe Motel Rear Left side you get a pretty good wifi signal. I am the King of finding free wifi!!