As expediters, Diane and I do not make New Year's resolutions. We set goals that guide our choices and actions day-by-day. While that may sound like a New Year's resolution, it is different; that is if you assume a New Year's resolution to be something casually made with little more than good intentions behind it.
A goal is specific and you can know instantly if you are on track toward it or not. A New Year's resolution might be, I will make more money 2013. A goal would be, In 2013, I will increase by 10 percent the net revenue I bank each month compared to the same month in 2012.
Even a soft-skills goal can be quantified. A New Year's resolution might be, I will learn more about my truck this year. A goal would be something like, I will spend 30 minutes each day studying and talking to other people for as long as it takes to learn how to maintain and repair the lights on my truck.
With such goals, you can know instantly if you are on track or not. On a given month, your revenue is 10 percent higher than the same month last year or it is not. With truck lighting, you either studied and talked to others about truck lighting for 30 minutes today or you did not. Notice too how a monthly financial goal is better than an annual one because you don't have to wait until the end of the year to find out if you are on track.
People make New Year's resolutions and set goals (or do not do so) for all sorts of reasons. The key to achieving what you set out to do is to make sure that your goals are aligned with what you truly want.
You might set a goal to lose 30 lbs. in 2013, but you are not likely to achieve it if that is not what you really want. Or if you do achieve it, you are not likely to keep that 30 lbs. off in 2014, if the goal was not aligned with your true desires.
Behind every New Year's resolution or goal, there is a desire to have the stated benefit or result. That desire has a "why" behind it. It's great that you want to make more money, know your truck better, lose weight this year, build a ten-truck fleet, become a motor carrier, etc., but
WHY do you want to do such things, and why do you want that?
this post for more about your "whys" and how working through them will help you keep the resolutions you make and achieve the goals you set.