3. Try to make a positive difference in @ least 10 people's lives
ok....what does number one mean?
Ditto on Dave's question.
8 to go for #3.
Always liked Upstate but go where you get happy
7 to go for number three.
6 to go Mindi. Actually 5 since you have changed both Jenny and my lives this year.
My three are:
1. get the truck payed off by November '10.
2. start saving for a down payment on a house.
3. live a higher quality life.
It means that I'm now single and will be moving from NY, where I've lived all my life, to another state and try to find/start a new, happier life. Maybe someday meet that 'right someone' to share my life with. I've also been weighing whether or not I want to continue to be a fleet owner and be in the expedite business anymore.