EO University Workshop New Van Workshop Success


Staff member
This year is a first as far as I know for a Cargo Vans 101 Workshop. I heard the Marcu's did a great job with this seminar and had a lot of attendee's.

Nick was also part of the impromptu load securement workshop in the front row as well as Jeannie and Bob.

I heard a lot of positive feedback on the workshops including the vans.

Great Job Nick and Jenny


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, that was an excellent session and Nick did a great job. Jenny definitely helped him out but he did great on his own too. Next year we need to have some sessions on Fri and repeat again on Sat. This is one of them. It needs a 90 minute window as well. Three rooms. That's what we need to have so this one can run twice, as well as perhaps the everything panel and maybe others plus allow some of them to run longer than they can now when you have to fit all the sessions into just two rooms.
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Veteran Expediter
Thank you. We enjoyed it and feel it went well, and have a few ideas to improve it.


Veteran Expediter
Next year we need to have some sessions on Fri and repeat again on Sat. This is one of them. It needs a 90 minute window as well. Three rooms. That's what we need to have so this one can run twice, as well as perhaps the everything panel and maybe others plus allow some of them to run longer than they can now when you have to fit all the sessions into just two rooms.

I agree on having some of the same sessions both day, not everyone is so lucky as to be able to attend both days.

The Enemy

Veteran Expediter
I think this years Expo was the best I have attended so far. I wanted to thank Lawrence and the crew from EO for allowing this gathering to happen.

There were alot of very informational workshops this year. Linda, thanks for including Jenny and I in the Drivers Round Table and the Load Securement Workshops.

As far as the van workshop goes, I knew it was going to be popular, but not as popular as it turned out. By the time it was time to start the class it was standing room only with the room being completely packed with newb's eager to listen and a few van veterans. There were plenty of great questions asked to the point the workshop ran over by about a half an hour. Hopefully enough attendees enjoyed and learned from the seminar that we are going to have a bigger better one next year.

Then only thing I would do differently for next year is have a bigger room or maybe combine rooms 1 & 2 into one big room, that way there will be plenty of seating for everyone. I would also like to see microphones, since apparently my voice doesn't carry too far. Who knows maybe we can have a workshop on both days.

I wanted to say thanks to Jenny, who helped me along while I was stumbling thru my first public speech in over 10 years. I also want to give huge thanks to Leo (LDB), Dan, Jack Berry, TJ and all the other veterans that helped answer questions that were asked. I appreciate everyones input.

So in closing, do I think the van workshop was a success?...... YEP

I am going to try to make next years workshop ever bigger and better than this years.


Veteran Expediter
This was one of the workshops on my had-to-do list, but I didn't make it to Wilmington this year.



Expert Expediter
Mary and I found the Van workshop very informative! Great job! Look forward to attending it again in the future!


Veteran Expediter
I was bummed to have missed the load securement demo. I've never [in 7 yrs] had damaged freight, but there is always something different in this line of work, eh?
I did get a pr of the Save A Load bars Jeanie recommended, [in purple!] and agree they add a welcome aspect of flexibility to the mix, at half the weight of aluminum bars.


Seasoned Expediter
Wow, I was at the expo last year but could make it this year because I am in therapy for my injured leg. The van workshop would have been something I would like to attend. Ememy and Jen, you can be sure that next year, you will see my FACE IN THE PLACE. I will also bring my wife with me so that she can see what expediting is all about.

The Enemy

Veteran Expediter
Cherry, I also picked up a set of mini bars from Save A Load. They actually came in handy on our first load after the Expo. My bars were just plain grey, but I might paint them black. Thanks Save A Load.

Topcat, looking forward to next year.

The Enemy

Veteran Expediter
What can I say, if I see something i want I get it no matter the price, lol. Plus the hotel mini bars aren't expensive when you run out in the middle of the night.