New Move


Veteran Expediter
Well... a few people have wondered what I've been up to. I think this is a good time to tell. I just got out of a situation that my nephew and I thought would be lucrative, but didn't work out that way. Out of respect to the one who gave us the opportunity, I'll leave it at that.

I'm signing on with PDQ Expedite out of Taylor, MI. Jeff (big boss man there) is letting me find my own stuff. This helps dispatch, and it keeps me in the zone I want to be in. Basically, I'll bid on freight where there aren't enough vehicles for that particular company. If I'm in need of a backhaul, I'll take LTL loads, but have to wait the month or so that it takes the broker to pay PDQ. I don't see that happening much since I'll be in the tri-state area most of the time.

Jeff likes that I'm on top of this. I hope to be seen as a moneymaker who isn't a dispatcher headache. With getting my own authority, I'm looking at a million headaches. This way, I have a good company backing me up, collecting the bills, taking care of my paperwork, and providing all the necessary permits. With all that, I'm not opposed to giving up 30%.

I'll let you know how things are going in the next few weeks. Currently, I'm preparing to pick up my new old truck... an 86 International cabover with a 28' box. Gotta get the a/c fixed and some e-track installed, but it seems to be in good condition otherwise. I'll post some pics when I get it back.


Staff member

Let us know how it works out for you.


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"So tell me, are those cookies made with real Girl Scouts?"

Sometimes the squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease, it just gets replaced

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Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

If it dont work out for you there and you decide to give up on expediting call me.

I will let you book every load and give you pay via com-check within 48 hrs of receipt and ill do it for 25% and wait to get paid by the brokers


Veteran Expediter
I was hoping to run with you. But in your email you said I'd have to recruit and be an operations manager first. I don't have that experience, and for now, am not interested in that kind of work. I'm intent on just finding freight and getting it from A to B. But as a collegue told me, the only thing for certain is there ain't nothin for certain. So, if things don't work out here, I'll contact you again. Thanx.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

Im Sorry sometimes I expect to much out of people.Its just that I would like to build something great but I cant do it alone and at this time im just a small guy so I need more than just drivers.But as
time goes by I will have more people in place to help me.

Good luck and if was meant to be we will meet someday.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

At this time I only take on straights and tractors

Im located in southern IL about 80 miles north west of evansville,IN

I also use 1 ton dually with flatbed goosenecks.

No cargo vans cause I want my trucks to make money every week and there just isnt enough cargo van stuff in the type of operation I run.

I do expedite but I dont let you sit for even 1 day.I find the shippers respond well to overnight regional LTL.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

Yes and No. Expedited is usally exclusive use of your trailer

overnight regional ltl may have 5 loads on it that need to be deliverd before 10 am or as late as 5pm next day.