So I get a call one day last month " I got these air tab things and I want your help putting lights into them to make them glow" This guy has a nice Pro-Star working out of Toledo.
Why not, I got a few hours to kill....
I get to this guys house and he sticks in my hands when I get through the door forty transparently white airtabs sitting there in a box, telling me he wants them to glow. I take a look at them, and tell him ok I can do it, two bucks a tab plus material so he agrees. I take five home with me, shape a small board with three lights on it ro fit into the tab, test them out great, has a good glow to it, red is what I was using but he wanted blue....
So I order 50 boards, all the parts, they come in and I put together 40 of them, everything looks good, we stick a few on the truck he wires them up and they look good glowing in the dark, not a bright glow but when dusk rolls around the light shows up enough to make it look good.
This past week I saw him at a pickup, he was ****ed off at me. He said the things stopped working a few days after we installed them and he wants his money back. He went on to say that it was a waste of time and never trust someone from Michigan.... I go out to the truck and I look and look and can't figure out what was wrong with what I am seeing, because I am was too upset with his attitude. It dawned on me what was wrong when I went back in the building. I told him to take a look at the truck and what is wrong so we both walk out.... he said nothing until I pointed out that he painted the d*mn things the color of his truck.
I can get them chromed but it isn't cheap.... by the way the lighting thing may be something I will sell if I get enough people interested.