Averaging....you may have a week where you earn just $570...or a few up to $2900. Expediting is a Crap Shoot and Gamble. Know your Monthly Living Expenses and your Monthly Vehicle Maintenance Needs. Have a healthy Emergency Fund.This is rather off topic but from what I read on this forum before is that OTR van expediting pays paltry wages. So how do some of you afford new $45k vans? Right now as a city courier I make $600-$700 a week after expenses. How much better or worse could I do driving OTR for a company like Bolt?
If you have a second income (a spouse) you are able to breathe easier...depending on how you both Live.
Ya know, have as little debt as possible, or none. Everyone's Lifestyle differs and expediting is not a consistent income. '11 Extended Sprinter/permanent bunk/3 skids/313K
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