Need Information On Housworth Trucking and Leasing


Expert Expediter
Hello, My Name Is Michael Huyck, Here in Houston Tx, Im new to the group and trying to get into Expeditor Driving(running team). I read an Artical on Housworth Trucking and Leasing, what I'm wondering is the system that Ed Houseworth started with the leasing of truck to new driver is it a good deal or is there any information I might need to verify. I've talked with louise on the phone and she made note of conway now as a good carrier to be leased on with. Can anyone help with further information I may need to know about or research.

My background is in transportation, but in the towing industry for the past 9yrs and before that I drove 18wheeler tankers and dry box also for about 5yrs and military before that for 9yrs.

Michael Huyck
P.O. Box 12043
Spring TX 77391
[email protected]