*need help* out of fuel!!!

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That's why you start looking for your next fuel stop when the fuel gauge reaches half full and refill completely. There's no reason to drive farther than half a tank worth without stopping for 10 minutes to refill the tank and walk a couple hundred yards in the process.


Veteran Expediter
and I thought I was heartless..you Bolt guys...wow....;)

Thats the way I roll. .....lol. .....if you breed a donkey to a ******* you get a Mule. ...being stupid for some people follows the same path.....whether in expediting or Life .....


Veteran Expediter
If someone runs out of fuel they are not necessarily stupid.
If they run out repeatedly,they're probably stupid.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Short of a stuck fuel dohicky, there is no reason to run out of fuel. Not with fuel stops on ever other conner, or exit.


Veteran Expediter
In Ark at 3am you probably can be pretty far from an open station.
You may have said I have x number of miles in the tank and didn't realize it was windier than you thought,a mechanical issue has developed,you hit an unexpected detour,or you hit your target fuel stop only to find that it's no longer open 24 hours.
That said,we always try to fuel up pretty early.


Retired Expediter
Swarming is the spontaneous organized motion of a large number of individuals. It is observed at all scales, from bacterial colonies, slime moulds and groups of insects to shoals of fish, flocks of birds, animal herds and especially humans!!
Ultimately, this could be used to control swarms of animals, robots, or human crowds by applying signals capable of emulating the underlying interaction of individuals within the swarm, which could lead to predicted motion patterns elucidated through modelling.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
and then again, there are 5 gallon cans u can carry gas in,,I used a 2 1/2 gallon container on my van, used it a few times and glad it was there........................


Veteran Expediter
Swarming is the spontaneous organized motion of a large number of individuals. It is observed at all scales, from bacterial colonies, slime moulds and groups of insects to shoals of fish, flocks of birds, animal herds and especially humans!!
Ultimately, this could be used to control swarms of animals, robots, or human crowds by applying signals capable of emulating the underlying interaction of individuals within the swarm, which could lead to predicted motion patterns elucidated through modelling.


Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Swarming is the spontaneous organized motion of a large number of individuals. It is observed at all scales, from bacterial colonies, slime moulds and groups of insects to shoals of fish, flocks of birds, animal herds and especially humans!!
Ultimately, this could be used to control swarms of animals, robots, or human crowds by applying signals capable of emulating the underlying interaction of individuals within the swarm, which could lead to predicted motion patterns elucidated through modelling.

Where did you copy that from. I want to read the rest of the story.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Tink'in momarap wuz distracted by her music somehow, steada listening to the hummz, swooshes, bangedy bangs and watching the dash like a driver might. Kinda the preDICKament I would prolly expect from a rap affectionado..........IF I get the sig line.

Jes noticed there are over a tousand folk reading on this rag....mus be plenty slow our there. EH?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And shifting 180 degrees to the original topic, a half tank of fuel is good for around 3 hours of driving. That's plenty long enough to sit without a break for a few minutes so that's the time to begin making your next fuel stop. You've got a good hour to find somewhere to your liking and still have more than ample fuel reserve. You stop for 10 minutes, fill the fuel tank, empty your personal tank, walk a couple hundred yards in total to reduce the chance of clots and hit the road for another 3 hours. Then you repeat the process. People literally die from blood clots. One significant factor is sitting for long periods of time with no activity. If you can't afford 10-15 minutes every 3-4 hours there is a major problem in scheduling.

Once you deliver and move to your layover area, your next stop should be for fuel. That way you are ready to go the moment they call you with that pickup in one hour 90 miles away, like they love to do. Start driving, 3 hours, fuel, driving, 3 hours, fuel, driving, 3 hours, fuel eventually followed by deliver, relocate, refuel. Better for your health and you'll never run out of fuel.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
And shifting 180 degrees to the original topic, a half tank of fuel is good for around 3 hours of driving. That's plenty long enough to sit without a break for a few minutes so that's the time to begin making your next fuel stop. You've got a good hour to find somewhere to your liking and still have more than ample fuel reserve. You stop for 10 minutes, fill the fuel tank, empty your personal tank, walk a couple hundred yards in total to reduce the chance of clots and hit the road for another 3 hours. Then you repeat the process. People literally die from blood clots. One significant factor is sitting for long periods of time with no activity. If you can't afford 10-15 minutes every 3-4 hours there is a major problem in scheduling.

Once you deliver and move to your layover area, your next stop should be for fuel. That way you are ready to go the moment they call you with that pickup in one hour 90 miles away, like they love to do. Start driving, 3 hours, fuel, driving, 3 hours, fuel, driving, 3 hours, fuel eventually followed by deliver, relocate, refuel. Better for your health and you'll never run out of fuel.

180 from what, exactly? When someone types on a site with all these "professional expediters"
and sends an SOS like this......ya gotta expect some interesting typing. Also, as I remember a half tank of fuel in a real truck, as you may remember will allow you to run you logbook out for the day. You been shamm'in with the vanners too long. A bit of touchy feeley education on this site is one thing..........however, there has to be some reality also. Case and point that requires an answer from you. When you were in school in the old days and you were disciplined by that old steel jawed teacher which application was more effective??

1. Leo would you pleeeeze be more understanding of others problems?

2. Or, when she took that 5 pound paddle out, smaked ya a couple/three times and ask you, not to be such a dikhead?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I'm sure this will be the last time they run out of fuel, I hope. We had a new team run a truck out of fuel twice in less than 4 hours. The sad thing is they had $383.00 on their com data card for fuel. They ran out of fuel on the first load 25 miles from where it dropped off. We had a service truck bring them fuel and they never went and got fuel after the delivery. They then ran out of at the pickup and we had to call another service truck out to bring them more fuel. Our lease say if you must keep the truck above 1/4 of a tank at all times and if you run the truck out of fuel you will be charged for the service call. If you don't have money for fuel call the office and we will give you a com Check for fuel. This team had the money for fuel and just didn't get fuel. Cost of the two service calls was over $1000.00 that was charged back to them. This could have been prevented if they just would have got fuel.


Veteran Expediter
180 from what, exactly? When someone types on a site with all these "professional expediters"
and sends an SOS like this......ya gotta expect some interesting typing. Also, as I remember a half tank of fuel in a real truck, as you may remember will allow you to run you logbook out for the day. You been shamm'in with the vanners too long. A bit of touchy feeley education on this site is one thing..........however, there has to be some reality also. Case and point that requires an answer from you. When you were in school in the old days and you were disciplined by that old steel jawed teacher which application was more effective??

1. Leo would you pleeeeze be more understanding of others problems?

2. Or, when she took that 5 pound paddle out, smaked ya a couple/three times and ask you, not to be such a dikhead?



Veteran Expediter
i'm sure this will be the last time they run out of fuel, i hope. We had a new team run a truck out of fuel twice in less than 4 hours. The sad thing is they had $383.00 on their com data card for fuel. They ran out of fuel on the first load 25 miles from where it dropped off. We had a service truck bring them fuel and they never went and got fuel after the delivery. They then ran out of at the pickup and we had to call another service truck out to bring them more fuel. Our lease say if you must keep the truck above 1/4 of a tank at all times and if you run the truck out of fuel you will be charged for the service call. If you don't have money for fuel call the office and we will give you a com check for fuel. This team had the money for fuel and just didn't get fuel. Cost of the two service calls was over $1000.00 that was charged back to them. this could have been prevented if they just would have used their brains.



Veteran Expediter
What ever happened to the OP ?
They are monitoring. Changed their avatar today but otherwise quiet.
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