I own two of those CATs. I dont know what to tell you. The trucks in general have taking a toll on me the last few months but I guess if I look at them with an open mind, the engines have not been that bad. I will say the are real DOGs in terms of power. They really bog down up hill. Loaded or empty. I am very happy with them on flat ground.
DaveKC is right. 80,000 to 100,00 valve adjustment and it cost $200 to $250. I guess all in all I am happier with the CATs than I am with the Freightliners themselves. One of those engines has a bit over 300,000 and the other is coming up on 400,000 so in reality they have done well. Keep reading though there are others who I am sure if they respond will not be near as positive.
Owner Two Straight Truck.
Part time driver of one of my trucks and local TT.
15mon.OTR Expediting
1 yr local Expediting
Line Haul TT 2mon.
OTR Straight Truck Plt to Plt off and on 5 years.
Based in Cincy Ohio
Currently at Express-1