I've been researching carriers myself, and worrying the devil out of the members of this forum in the process..lol. Nations has become one of my top picks so far.
1. they don't rely on auto freight.
2. they seem to pay well and keep their trucks moving.
3. they are a fairly small company and I like that.
what would I caution you about?
They are a broker based company. I don't know that much about it, but some of these folks can explain it better than I ever could. Some like it, some don't. But, you should be sure you are comfortable with it before you sign on.
If I were you, I would call their recruiters and ask for their literature. I'm sure they will send it to you. I have one myself and there is a lot of information it. Some of it will not pertain to you as a driver, but much of it will.
One thing about their recruiting dept., they list Mary Howard as their contact person. I bet I've called a dozen times trying to speak to her. I've yet to catch her in the office. I did talk to her at the truck show. She told me to just work through her secretary. Apparently Mary stays busy with the p/r and orientation responsibilities. She told me that her secretary was actually very knowledgeable of the organization and could probably answer any question I had as well she could herself.
Good luck, Arky