National Health Care


Veteran Expediter
Ark, makes such a great point here. There was recently a post on this topic, than again the Liberal Lefts vs the Correct Right and now here is the TRUTHFULL TALE.

Sorry to bash you Libs, but look how good the system works. No thanks I do not want Libs deciding for me when it comes to Health Care. The Govt. screws up everything it does except in most cases roads and National Forest, other than that if it is under the Microscope of our Politicians its gona have problems with it.

Ark sorry to hear of your problems, makes me ashamed at how Vets are treated. The same goes for S.S. when my brother in Law was declared dissabled, he could not collect any benefits, thus lost his house, thus his heart finially gave out (which was the cause of his dissablement) and he died without ever recieving as much as a dime after he paid into the system from age 16 to 38, and now the SS wants all kinds of proof from my Niece now living with me, that she is still a student. SHE HAS NOT EVEN GRADUATED YET and they stopped forwarding her checks..... WHAT A SYSTEM thank you Libs, so much for protecting our young. Thank goodness for her WE ARE HERE and not the Government. STAY OUT OF MY LIFE uncle sam. With out this $ I do not know how she is gona further her education without Grants or Loans where if her Dad were alive he would be working to pay her way thru College, she is welcome to stay here until she finishs school, somehow she will continue her education and will benefit society without the obvious aid of SS cause once she Graduates from H.S. as far as Uncle Same is concerened she is on her own.