My impressions of Texas


Veteran Expediter
I ended up here in texas, just north of Dallas with a delivery. I ran out of hours (aka sleep) and parked my butt in Anna, TX to get some sleep.

So I went to sleep with a really pleasant breeze going through the cab and awoke to the sun heating up everything. Started my truck up and turned on the A/C to cool it down but ah… no air is coming out of the vents. My blower motor just gave up the ghost. tried to fix it but the problem is with one brush ok the other destroyed, it is hard to do a field repair with a lack of parts.

So I thought I would go and find one at an auto parts store but apparently no one told these Texans that they may need parts for their trucks here and had a hard time find a parts store. (I didn’t have internet access and Cingular directory assistance was no help.)

But I did indeed find a store but no motor in stock, they were kind enough (this would not happen up north) to direct me to other stores who also didn’t have a motor in stock.

What? No one here ever has a blower motor go out on them, LOL.

Well as I type, one is being air freighted in via American Airlines from Louisiana for me. Seriously I found one and look forward to a/c again.

About Texas, it is sort of big.

I like the open spaces, the lack garbage on the side of the road, for that matter the lack of dead animals on the side of the road helps the image.

I drove through Dallas this morning and was surprised at the way it looks. I only have been in Texas a couple times before and never had a chance to look around.

I am puzzled by some of the access roads around the highways, but hey I live in a place where signs are scarce because of the price of aluminum and what seems to be an on ramp leads you to a crack neighborhood.

The amazing things I saw were a big casket store, an advertisement for Condoms to Go and a UPS delivery van with a trailer behind it.

I went to a super super Wal-Mart that we can fit two and a half of our Wal-Marts in and where I found Avocados for 50¢ each, about a buck less than the cheapest we have in Detroit but of course I have no fridge otherwise I would be filling it up.

Oh and I filled up with Wille Fuel – B20 at 2.59 a gallon, again 50¢ cheaper than diesel is going for back at home. The truck runs a lot smoother on it.

But the thing that gets me the most is the people who I ran into at one of the auto parts stores, Iranians. When did Texas start to import Middle Eastern people?

I hope to get a run soon but until than I will enjoy my stay.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Texas has exhausted their supply of Mexicans so Middle Eastern folks are next to arrive. They have this bumper sticker.
" I wasn't born in Texas but got here as soon as I could".


Veteran Expediter
Well after spending 59 hours here, I wonder about something.

there are several Latino tv stations here and I see what a difference in cultures, they believe in showing a lot of skin - both sexes. the other thing is some of the language they used. I have a limited spanish ablilities, I caught a few things that I don't think are allowed on english speaking TV stations. I won't get into what was said, but it wasn't for children.

Doesn't the FCC have a spanish speaking division?