I promise you, Karl Marx never said, wrote or even thought that. More expensive houses and technology? More credit? Attributed to Marx? I'm LOLing here. That's pure 2008 language and phrasing, and sounds nothing at all like anything that Karl Marx has ever written. Reading that "quote" it sure seems like the next line should be,
"And then Barack Obama will come and save the day with his master plan for economic stimulus!"
Karl Marx would have written something more along the lines of... "Socialism or Communism only comes about with the rising of the proletariat workers to come into conflict with those who own the means of production as a result of unfair labor practices by the bourgeois." Socialism is not something that those in power will just switch to because socialism and communism will undermine that power. It is something that is
fought for from the
bottom up.
A piece of
satire, written last year (2008) and posted at
NewsMutiny - Political satire, social parody, fake news, sheer bedlam (a satire site much like The Onion, only more raw), specifically for satirical purposes, laments... "
the problems in the wake of the cataclysmic failure of free market capitalism and the nationalization of the country’s banks, Americans over the age of seven will be forced to complete a reeducation program designed to re-instill lessons learned in preschool that have been deemed essential to functioning in a communist society by the federal government. “Kids learn a lot about things like sharing and playing fair during their pre-school and kindergarten years that are gradually forgotten as such values simply aren’t congruous with the everyday world of a capitalist society, but will become of paramount importance once again as the United States transitions to communism,” remarked Pat Caufield of the Department of Education.
Keen in mind, this is a fake. It's fiction. It's made up. It's satire. Please note the
bold text below, in relation to its similarity to the "quote" above.
Caufield proceeded to describe what the reeducation would seek to achieve.
“In today’s America, for example, a person who’s somehow acquired a number of eggs will assume personal ownership of those eggs. They will say, ‘These are MY eggs, and I will do with them as I please. Perhaps I will eat them in an omelet, or maybe I’ll throw them at a house. Regardless, it doesn’t matter, because they are MY eggs,” Caufield explained, “But such will not be the case in the America of tomorrow. In tomorrow’s America, those eggs will be the people’s eggs. Meaning if a neighbor suddenly gets the wild idea to bake some chocolate whoopee pies and he’s minus one egg, he can come over and help himself – hence the importance of sharing.”
"The owners of capital will stimulate the need of the working class to take expensive, collateral loans to buy their condos, houses and technological products; and, at the end, these unpaid debts will result in the nationalization of the banks upon their bankrupcy, and so the state will be on the pathway to communism," Caufield emphasized the exigency of reestablishing preschool values in all post-adolescent Americans."
"Being too young to understand the concepts of capitalism or exchange their labor for money, preschool children are merely taught not to destroy or deface the material objects that comprise their classroom because doing so isn't nice," said Caufield, "The same will be true of the communes most Americans will soon inhabit. Though they may get away with breaking things that are collectively owned, breaking things isn't nice."
The piece is funny stuff, timely and topical, where adults have to go back to re-education camps to learn how to share like a preschooler. It should be able to stand on its own just as it is. But those with their own agenda, who think they can't tear down Obama based on his own deed, think they have to make stuff up using the scare tactics of Karl Marx to beat Obama down. The satire, and the point it makes, apparently isn't scary enough for the mostly-afraid, so they have to change it, massage it, make astounding predictions that never could have been conceived when it was allegedly written, and attribute it to Karl Marx.