Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea


Veteran Expediter
OK this is actually something out of a 70's movie or a bad atempt to twisted comedy.

So you get caught and go to trial.

You admit that you are part of the second most orginized terrorist group.

You admit that you and another person (who has also been caught trying to blow up a plane and convicted) were going to take a plane and drive into the whitehouse.

You scream and yell about how bad the country is and how we all deserve what we get.

You say not enough people died on 9/11

and now you expect a new trial to prove your innocence because you expected the death penaty?

Have we come so far in this country to allow things like this to happen?

it is not a problem for me to see him rot, but to allow him to ask the court anything shows that our country is in trouble.

Oh of course you all know that France, our strong ally in the fight against terrorism wants to have him sent there to serve his sentence?


Expert Expediter
Let him rot in jail. He'll have to sit and think about how far his beliefs got him. I think these people that hate our way of life should be forced to live in a happy middle class suburban neighborhood, go to church, shop in malls, eat fast food, live the average american life, because it's the thing they hate the most. Our freedoms and the lives we live.

outwardbound 2

Expert Expediter
Well this is america after all and he does have the same leagle recource that we all share in this wonderful land. And with this being a big media show the courts are going to do thier best to show how American Justice works for all.

Now i personally would of just dragged him out and shot him myself or just let the relatives of the people who died on 9/11 have him.

Maybe the media needs to replay some of the video of how Americans are treated in other countries. Like the pilots that where dragged through the streets and beat, stripped, and killed by mobs. Or cotractors that are beheaded just for helping to rebuilt their country.