The country women I know routinely put up with an insane amount of abusive crap from their boyfriends and husbands. I don't know any that would tolerate sharia law, but I know plenty who willingly tolerate biblical law and the subservience that goes along with it.
There are too many people that misinterpret Biblical law.
The Bible is very clear on how to treat others and mandates for men to treat their wives with respect.
Here in my opinion is the real issue.
The extreme people that twist the word of God to serve their selfish needs get the most attention in stead of the true Believers.
The Bible is very clear that Christians should be living examples of Christs love and to treat others as you want to be treated. The basis of Christianity is that human nature is evil, based on selfish needs, and with God being holy and just Christ had to come to pay the price of that by taking the sins on himself. Since he did not commit any sin, he was not guilty and rose from the dead. He paid the price for anyone that would accept that precious gift. In return we must believe, serve God, and treat others with love and compassion.
Real Christain brothers and sisters are nonjudgemental and do whatever they can to help others in anyway that they can. They likr to keep their charity donations in secreat, since they donot do it for show. They are compassionate and have a genuine love for people with no selfish motives.
Of course we are far from perfect.
It is not right to group others as being bad due to those that deminstate bad behavior. Due to race, creed or national origin.