Michigan cuts 30,000 college students from foodstamps


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"Under the new rules, only single moms and students who work 20 hours a week may be able to keep their benefits,"

For cryin' out loud, if you're a student who works 20 hours a week, you don't need those benefits. For the others, you eat Ramen Noodles 5 days a week like every other starving college student has ever done. Sheesh.


Veteran Expediter
Well this will sound liberal but it is needed for a rather larger percentage of those who are in those institutes of higher learning.

If my state wanted to save money, they would have not cut the food stamps but rather force the five public chartered universities to lower tuition instead of raise it or lose their public funding.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well this will sound liberal but it is needed for a rather larger percentage of those who are in those institutes of higher learning.

If my state wanted to save money, they would have not cut the food stamps but rather force the five public chartered universities to lower tuition instead of raise it or lose their public funding.

Wow greg, I never thought it would be you to take this position.:eek:


Veteran Expediter
Wow greg, I never thought it would be you to take this position.:eek:

Which part?

It seems that both are intertwined, schools under public charter with public funding are the cause of students problems.

Tuition is a problem for many, public schools are there to serve the public and if a student needs to take a loan, have food stamps and so on, the school is not serving the public but themselves.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Which part?

It seems that both are intertwined, schools under public charter with public funding are the cause of students problems.

Tuition is a problem for many, public schools are there to serve the public and if a student needs to take a loan, have food stamps and so on, the school is not serving the public but themselves.

I happen to agree, Just was suprised it was you to take what some consider a liberal position.


Seasoned Expediter
Well this will sound liberal but it is needed for a rather larger percentage of those who are in those institutes of higher learning.

If my state wanted to save money, they would have not cut the food stamps but rather force the five public chartered universities to lower tuition instead of raise it or lose their public funding.

So because some kid decides he is going to the school of his choice,or because thats where mom or dad went or maybe even uncle joe.Even though they know they can not afford it the tax payers should be on the hook to feed them.


Veteran Expediter
If they can't find the money for food they need to go to community college and save some money.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
College is OPTIONAL! There are community colleges, trade schools, apprenticeships, food stamps should not be an option.

When I was stationed at Homestead Air Force base we were not able to use the mess hall due to our work schedule and the distance to where we worked. At the time I was making $364 per month. All we got was $50 for separate rations. NO refrigerators or any way to cook in the room. We lived. No food stamps.

Able bodied college students have NO business on food stamps.


Retired Expediter
sure seems backwards...must work to be able to get food stamps...:confused:

so every Michigan taxpayer is paying to send someone s kid to college?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"College students have so much debt as it is in the United States. It's hard for them to be able to pay all their bills,” Wayne State University student Erik Boyes told MyFoxDetroit."

This does not say much for the brain power of at least this one student. Don't take on student loans. They are NOT required. It is a clear CHOICE to go into debt for school. There are many other options. No one is entitled to a college education OR food stamps.


Retired Expediter
I would suppose that all these scholars should know the first fact of life.? Don't take on a debt you can not manage...


Veteran Expediter
So because some kid decides he is going to the school of his choice,or because thats where mom or dad went or maybe even uncle joe.Even though they know they can not afford it the tax payers should be on the hook to feed them.

The taxpayers are paying for foreign students (foreign or out of state) to go to schools like U of M, Michigan State, and other state chartered public schools - so if we are paying for them to attend, the charter is clear, they are there to benefit the population of the state, not a foreign student. Having a high tutition is one violation of their charter, a point system to qualify is another.

The way they are paying for the foreign student is through state grants, state funding and tuition hikes. They justify their multi-billion dollar budget by pointing out the good that they do while ignoring their main obligation that is clearly in their charter - to educate people from the state first with affordable education.

It has nothing to do with what school the kid picks or how we, MICHIGAN taxpayers pay for their food, it has to do with the principle that the school does not need state funding if they are going to focus on money/profit and not their obligations.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"College students have so much debt as it is in the United States. It's hard for them to be able to pay all their bills,” Wayne State University student Erik Boyes told MyFoxDetroit."

I wonder how many of those same students bills include "necessities" like cable, smart phones with data plans, Starbucks coffee, booze etc. etc.?


Seasoned Expediter
The taxpayers are paying for foreign students (foreign or out of state) to go to schools like U of M, Michigan State, and other state chartered public schools - so if we are paying for them to attend, the charter is clear, they are there to benefit the population of the state, not a foreign student. Having a high tutition is one violation of their charter, a point system to qualify is another.

The way they are paying for the foreign student is through state grants, state funding and tuition hikes. They justify their multi-billion dollar budget by pointing out the good that they do while ignoring their main obligation that is clearly in their charter - to educate people from the state first with affordable education.

It has nothing to do with what school the kid picks or how we, MICHIGAN taxpayers pay for their food, it has to do with the principle that the school does not need state funding if they are going to focus on money/profit and not their obligations.

It is their choice to go to say michigan or say state neither one is cheap.There are cheaper schools that offer the same programs that they do.When tax dollars are used to fund foreign students tuition that is wrong also.How ever the grants,state funding is available to the students that live in sate also.Have you bothered to look at tuition prices for in state/out of state.Out of state tuition is double if not more then that of in state,With forgein students paying even more then out of state students.Example State! in state of campus 11,000 on campus 20,000 out of state off campus 29,000 and on campus 37,000 Forgien students off campus 29,000 on campus 42,000.Yes some students recive free rides however many of the GRANTS and state funding go to state residents also.So the whole out of state/forgien students pay less there by costing the in state students more is a bit of a stretch to say the least.

Love how in your post you try and make it sound as though this is a michigan tax payer problem only.Well the colleges get federal funding and the food stamp program is backed with federal funds so its not just WE THE MICHIGAN TAX PAYERS.

I lived in romeo for over ten years I know some of those kids that have chosen to go to schools they knew they were gonna have a hard time paying for.Yet chose to go to them anyway.

You can say that tuition is to high and needs to be lowered all you want.But there is another reason kids choice to go to Michigan and State,they are two of the top public colleges in the counrty.Not the top two but they are up there.It does not say they can not get them it just says they have to work 20 hrs a week.Think about it.We are always hearing how hard it is to get by on the help people get from the government well with working 20 hours a week they are helping themselfs get by.


Expert Expediter
If they can't find the money for food they need to go to community college and save some money.

I agree. Why should I pay for someone else's kid to eat so they can spend 200 bucks on tennis shoes and sun glasses while they get an english lit or history degree that won't pay them a living wage when they finally do get out of school and they have to go back on food stamps cuz they can't make enough money. But they still crank out half a dozen kids they can't afford and won't be able to pay for their college education so it starts over. Kinda like a perpetual motion machine. Wow! Didn't know I had that rant in me. Don't get too close cuz I might explode and take out two city blocks!


Veteran Expediter
It is their choice to go to say michigan or say state neither one is cheap. ...
blah blah blah

My point is ---- education has become expensive because the universities and colleges are supported by public funds, student loans and so on which in turn allows them to be too diversified with little competition to work toward either fulfilling their obligation of their charter or care about capturing revenue by providing an education at a reasonable cost to those who are actually support them through their taxes. They, like the state should assure that the an affordable education is accessible (NOTICE I DID NOT SAY FREE) to those who live and work in the state.

The burden should not be 100% on the student, nor should there be a debt created when there is any tax money used. IF you remove the public support from say U of M and force them to lower tuition, then the affordiblity will return and no one needs to use food stamps.

By the way, many students don't have a choice. They work toward entering a college and don't qualify because of a number of reasons or the quotas are filled for in-state students, leaving them to either fish for another school or give up on their career choice. I am one of those students who don't qualify because of my age - not my academics.