Meg Whitman, it's a lady...............


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
I do not know this lady, but it is to bad California selected Jerry Brown over her. What a difference she might have made?

Why doesn't our government pic people like her to run some of the offices instead of the nitwit men they pick? You have been watching now for 4 years the duds Obama picked and they are not thinkers or doers, just weird visoniaries that do not know Jack Shettze about anything. As Dr. Phil says: " How's that working for you America?"

here u go: Meg Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Expert Expediter
Meg Whitmann lost because she ran a lousy campaign. She told every different group she met with what they wanted to hear, even if it was conflicting.

When askd pointed questions she wouldn't answer.

She lost because she campaigned like a democrat. Republican voters won't turn out to vote for someone who they percieve as being full of crap.

Carly Fiorinna lost her Senate race for the same reasons.

Only democrats can use BS and double talk to get elected because their constituates are all on the less than averaged intelligence side of the bell curve. They all vote on emotion. If you don't believe me ask a Dem, why they support Obama, their answer will be total nonsense, ask a policy based question and their eyes glaze over.