McChrystal: U.S. Started War With 'Frighteningly Simplistic' View Of Country


Veteran Expediter
Stan, the man who thought he had a plan (and a clue) ...
but who clearly didn't know what to do ....

when Pat Tillman died ....
and he decided it would better to have lied ....

and simply just be corrup' .....
finally decides to ..... man up ....

..... kinda .... some ..... a little ......

"WASHINGTON -- The U.S. began the war in Afghanistan with a "frighteningly simplistic" view of the country, and even 10 years later lacks knowledge that could help bring the conflict to a successful end, a former top commander said Thursday."

[Rlent Editorial Comment: If this is the case for the "experts" .... the very people that ought to know what they are getting us into ..... one can only wonder what the actual state of knowledge of the US general public is ..... whose understanding and possession of the facts is largely a result of a compliant US media which is at the beck and call of the government and the military, and beats the war drum nearly incessantly.]

"Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal said in remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations that the U.S. and its NATO allies are only "a little better than" 50 percent of the way to reaching their war goals."

Of the remaining tasks to be accomplished, he said the most difficult may be creating a legitimate government that ordinary Afghans can believe in and that can serve as a counterweight to the Taliban.

[Rlent Editorial Comment: Legitimate ... by who's standards ? ... If the Afghani's decide on someone of their own choosing, rather than a US puppet, does that qualify as legitimate ? .... Or will we have another 1950's Iran .... Chile ..... or others .... where we subverted legitimate elections - simply because we don't care for who they elect ?]

"McChrystal, who commanded coalition forces in 2009-10 and was forced to resign in a flap over a magazine article, said the U.S. entered Afghanistan in October 2001 with too little knowledge of Afghan culture."

[Rlent Editorial Comment: Ya think Stan ? ]

"We didn't know enough and we still don't know enough," he said. "Most of us – me included – had a very superficial understanding of the situation and history, and we had a frighteningly simplistic view of recent history, the last 50 years."

[Rlent Editorial Comment: Stan, you have my admiration for manning up and admitting it ..... of course, you also have my condemnation for the butchery that you oversaw, and the atrocities that occurred on your watch.]

"U.S. forces did not know the country's languages and did not make "an effective effort" to learn them, he said."

"McChrystal also said that the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq less than two years after entering Afghanistan made the Afghan effort more difficult."

"I think they were made more difficult, clearly," he said because the Iraq invasion "changed the Muslim world's view of America's effort. When we went after the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001, there was a certain understanding that we had the ability and the right to defend ourselves and the fact that al-Qaida had been harbored by the Taliban was legitimate. I think when we made the decision to go into Iraq that was less legitimate" in the eyes of much of the Muslim world."

[Rlent Editorial Comment: Stan, here's a newsflash for ya - with Iraq, it wasn't just the Muslim world - and I know it's hard for you to bring yourself to say it, but it's illegitimate, not less legitimate - because it was based on lies and deliberate distortions of the truth.]

"Iraq also diverted some military resources that could have been put to good use in Afghanistan, he said."

Link to original:

Afghanistan War: Ex-Commander Stanley McChrystal Says
U.S. Started War With 'Frighteningly Simplistic' View Of Country
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Veteran Expediter
You know Rlent, there was some idiot candidate who made the comment that he will "ensure U.S. military supremacy worldwide" which scares the **** out of me. That one is Romney, and the comment is the most ignorant and dangerous one that any politician can make.

The simplistic view of Afghanistan was and still is in the minds of the ignorant here in this country with their thinking that the goat farmers and the poppy growers would not be an issue when fighting the taliban has actually left us with a 10 year war and it is too obvious we can't win.

Tying this into Romney's comment, we still just don't get it and if we are going to be the world's police, then we need to take the approach of fighting first and being diplomatic later. Afghanistan and for the most part Iraq is showing us our ignorance and emotional stupidity with fighting a "war on terror" which we either have to ignore to keep fighting or come to grips with another failed attempt. Romney's comment makes me feel that the warnings of Eisenhower are forgotten and we are going to be a country run by the military on the diplomatic stage. All of which sets us up for more failures and more chances of not being able to defend ourselves against real threats.