Maybe it is time?


Veteran Expediter
I read the story on EO front page -

Officials say overweight trucks putting strain on highway system By The AP and got to say maybe it is time we really look at lowering the weight that trucks can haul.

But before you all yell at me, understand that in my state we allow 164,000 lb trucks on the road. A state where the roads are not design or built for anything more than 60,000 lbs (thanks MDOT). The bridges in the state may be design to hold 100K but the time it takes to get one repaired is sad. A state where pots holes the size of basket balls are common place in some areas and the normal life expectancy of a section of road is less than 5 years (before any cracks and holes appear).

Now take the I35W bridge, many say it was the weight that was the real issue for the collapse, nothing else.

And finally I would venture to guess that if we go back to reasonable weight limits, we will see an increase in trucks on the road which means more jobs for people.

If nothing else, I am just trying to kill time today.


Expert Expediter
I know what state you live in and I used to travel through there quite frequently.
However, please be advised that I did not contribute to the conditions of the roads in any way.---I maintained a constant body weight of only 165 pounds and that was soaking wet!

Pappy :)


Veteran Expediter
Greg, do you know the history of Michigan's weight limits? I'm guessing the Big 3 and U.S. Steel had a hand in this. What's good for them is good for Michigan, right?

I can't see the 80,000# limit going south. But I would hope it doesn't get increased.

As for the I-35W bridge, I believe it was a combination of neglect, pigeon droppings, construction work, lane closures, concentrated stockpiling of aggregates, design, truck traffic and other factors that all came in to play. Like the perfect storm.

The I-35W bridge didn't really carry that much heavy truck traffic as compared to the I-494 bridge over the river in South St. Paul or the I-694 bridge on the north side. Most through truck traffic went around either side of The Cities. The I-35W bridge was used by generally lighter loaded local P & D trucks. MN-280 saw most of the heavy north/south truck traffic in that area.


Veteran Expediter
Back in the 73,280# days I did some pulp log hauling in Minnesota. After the state deemed the roads sufficiently frozen we were allowed to haul 80,000# on designated routes under some agricultural exemption. It's all about who has the clout and money to change laws.